Current measurement circuit based on the PIC16C923 and CS5460 integrated 120V or 220V, 50Hz, 60Hz. voltage in the frequency range can measure’s LCD display and control buttons
Current measurements used in the current transformer substation is being processed on the information received from the system. Protel PCB la prepared, the schema files software files are prepared by assembly
The fine details of the project to supply Microchip explanation can be a good source for different projects can inspire.
PICMicro PIC16C923 Current Measurements Watt Hour Meter Project
PICMicro PIC16C923 Current Measurements Watt Hour Meter Project
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/11/15 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
Atmel AT90S2313 Computer-Controlled Scrolling LED Text
All details were shared with the marquee circuit computer control program atmel at90s2313 source software image format PCB, schematics and drawings have OrCAD source.
The marquee on the circuit
The marquee circuit 350 leds microcontroller atmel at90s2313 LEDs 7 74HC595 is driven by over computer font information with serial ports are pc software windows xp works with also the program’s source for Borland C + + files are.