This Preparation pcb printed circuit works and heavily for trying to make the job easier, more effortless to make the search’m inside I found every document I’m looking though now fast and smooth pcb printing can do, but better answer can be 🙂
The person named Thomas Pfeifer shared on the site board pcb with a different method of extraction methods, but the result is very good like
Using a special printing of paper with a laser printer hp1010 output circuit is a magazine page. Copper plaque cleaning with acetone (acetone than normal have a powerful combination) on the output plate steadies PVC lamination machine, ironing whether modified pcby this machine instead of having 5 .6 times. Here’s how it’s very important if I push, ısıtsa, that’s it 🙂 questions such as ironing enough job disappears automatically tied to.
Finally plaque throws acid soluble copper plaque after being cleaned with acetone, hot air gun and Kirei PCBs are plated with solder it before I thought why not 🙂 it’s my job Yunti will accelerate more
PVC Lamination Printed Circuit Board PCB
Source: http://thomaspfeifer.net/platinen_aetzen_doppelseitig.htm
Published: 2010/03/16 Tags: technical video
Examples of Sensor Detection Circuits for Robot Projects
Especially for microcontroller based projects, you can use the robot’s various sensors, sensing application circuits,’s examples and information
Also prepared with pic16f series circuits and source code through assembly has ams.
SHARP example IS471F light sensor detection circuit
CNY70, LM358 opamp sensor application
GP2DXX distance detection sensor application (PIC16F876, LCD)
74LS14 LDR, light sensing application
LM35 temperature sensing temperature meter circuit (PIC16F876, lm336, LCD)
SHT11 humidity sensor information and application test circuit (pic16f876 LCD)
Robot Projects