Some projects microcontroller ports using the LCD screen when you may need to drive less port examples using 128 × 64 lcd with 3 port 74HC595 CD4094 Ile with 4 × 20 lcd screen. Proteus isis simulation LCD driver instances, files and source codes for CCS C.
74HC595 128×64 lcd 4×20 lcd picproje forums @CaFFeiNe prepares an instance of an instance of the author is a member of the same topic again with @necati. Thanks to people who contributed to preparing.
Source:,38357.0.html alternative link:
Published: 2012/03/22 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
Nokia5110 LCD Logic Analyzer circuit ATmega8
Built on the atmega 8 microcontroller Logic Analyzer circuit for nokia 5110 display lcd display kullanılanılıyor crafted with AVRstudio Software four. source software insurance settings schema, pcb, etc. files.
Frequency capture 400 kHz, Max input voltage 5v dc, operating voltage 5v (4 x 1.2 v rechargeable battery) to capture high speed signals, signal 3.7 ms, low-speed signals 36s
Note: If you are going to be the battery voltage of 1.2 v power supply for battery 1.5 v alkaline batteries if you use in total 6v voltage and atmega8.