Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..
Attiny85 Atmel microcontroller with USB Business Card project established quite interesting circuit with very few elements attiny85 16.5 MHz internal RC oscillator frequency used. USB connector on the USB socket on the PCB designed to stop loose plaque thickness of 1.6 mm on the pcb printed circuit previously shared attiny85 USB Password Generator usb interface…
CNC Machines classical LPT port controlled if all of the details, adjustments, granting and regularly have a project with was interested I will not lie to make one wanted 🙂 author CNC machine with the printed circuit scraping, printed circuit board drilling, the wood on the scraping and so on. DREMEL 300 for use in…
PIR Sensor control circuit has three different application circuits LM324, CD4538 used integrated. PR control circuit output control, opto Kubli, relays, MOSFET (right, left) can be used detailed description (in English) and PIR sensor works about the logic diagrams’s circuits RE200B, PIR325 PIR sensors used PIR motion detector, General purpose motion detector This motion detector…
All the source codes and other related instances of LPC2103 ARM have codes in addition to the LPC2103 test set the scheme also finds Simple LPC2103 LED blinking LED blinking program for Simple program for LPC2103 LPC2103 by using GNU toolchain under uVision3 IDE, External interrupt example (EINT0) for LPC2103, ILI9320 Portrait example for LPC2103…
Electronics, materials compon who literally though not out of purpose when used interesting and beautiful things can go 🙂 author picture in monochrome changing crop was after the PCB pressure whether from the corner hook wearing in addition for decoration SMD type of material used 🙂 I guess as earrings to use, but key would…
Indeed most useless, useless but fun machine 🙂 I think the most fun part of this machine is considered by many people hold many different models in the form of the same work done with lego 🙂 It was nice to watch videos, etc. with dry wood. There are many different designs. Most Useless Machine…
100W Amplifier circuit based on TDA7294 vu meter on a single PCB (LM3914), bass, treble tone controls for setting circuit (opamp 4558) and the supply circuit’s. The potency of tone control circuit wires soldered to the metal chassis to be connected to the chassis vu meter circuit if the LEDs mounted in an inclined position…
This car amp circuit one where I saw the original, but only there was a picture I think he of the amplifier clone anyway .. circuit of the amplifier on the floor 2 LM3886 is used used in car 12v battery voltage symmetric 2 × 40 volts to turn sg3525 based on the DC to…
For example, print images and text on TFT LCD color display built applications based on the ARM LPC2103 runs at 12MHz. The TFT TFT320240 on isis proteus LPC2103 ARM TFT LCD named as an example of a simulation, source C, etc. tft320240a.dll. There are files … FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19841.zip
Sanyo STK412-170 from the series production of NGOs and STK4048X amplifier circuit diagrams and PCB drawings but no definite information can be compatible within an integrated PCB drawings of different NGOs. for example STK412-170 datasheet file when I look at the different models found in the list that caught my attention in the list STK412-090,…