Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Car 4X40W Amplifier Circuit with TDA8571J

| 2013/07/04

TDA8571J an amplifier for the four channels, each with a capacity of up to 40W to the this amplifier is the smallest size and ready for installation under dashboard of your car. After seeing the catalog for integrated circuits amplifiers, I came across a really interesting circuit TDA8571J TDA8571J characteristic: TDA8571J circuit is an integrated…

NE555 melody circuit

| 2013/06/20

Timing has an integrated circuit made ??with N555 hundreds of years in the market all the electronic equipment in the shop a popular integrated See here for a detailed knowledge of Turkish. Circuit as musical notes can give a voice to the series resistance values ??button is pressed, left to right according to the RE,…

Speaker DC Protection Circuit Delayed and LED alarm

| 2013/06/14

The circuit can be delayed and led excitation speaker dc protection circuit.A current of approx. 70mA. The appropriate value for the high voltages are selectable Rs resistance. For example: Amplifier 2x24Vac with the feed from the same place, we can get this circuit.Aim will be about how to find the value and power of direncimizin…

Stabilized Regulated Power Supply Circuit with L200CV 0-30V

| 2013/06/08

To reach the simple design of the power supply and at the same time easy output voltage and current limit, I decided to use the well-known monolithic integrated Adjustable voltage and current regulator L200 series in the case Pentawat with five outlets by ST Microelectronics. The voltage can be set to the values ​​of two…

100W Hi Fi Amplifier Ras100 Version 2

| 2013/05/19

Before “the new Hifi Amplifier Mosfet RAS300 RAS100 and PCB drawings” article for the RAS-100 100W MOSFET amplifier PCB shared drawing sketch I changed I said there’s no difference, but in fact the V2 have in terms of usability and pleasing to the eye to have had the opportunity to study the differences in performing…

Microchip LED Lighting Applications Design Guide

| 2013/05/04

Microchip produced by PIC microcontrollers, LED drivers, LED control ICs prepared for the sample application, designer notes .. Documents in the finest detail to given information (in English) source code and in the schemes’s information in different designs could prove useful in MCP 1612 Simple Synchronous Buck Converter Design MCP 1650 750 kHz Boost Controller…

Temperature Switch Fan Control Op amp

| 2013/04/28

Cooler temperatures above by to run the fan I used a circuit test ready while we wanted to share a circuit LM358 op amp pointed at the board integrated output N channel mosfet (IRF540, 50N06 or IRFZ44) used 10k NTC temperature according to the output gives the work the threshold on the circuit 25k potentiometer…

Transformer Winding Reel Assembly with Cordless Drill

| 2013/04/28

Available facilities within the quite regular, useful system has been cordless drill power supply help with a few pieces amateur transformer winding reel machine made ​​transformermeister the spin count to an electronic circuit used instead of the previously shared “Hand made transformer winding machine (winder)” article @ 45mehmet with comments reported by the calculator method…

PICKIT2 Update ( new pic microcontroller support)

| 2013/04/28

Recently for a business pic18f46k22 programming we need to, but PICKIT2 software pic18f46k22 support said 🙂 though the error message, I do not remember Unsupported Part etc … a strange opening had fortunately just picproj on the forums @ t2 teacher’s share issues that came to my mind Pickit2 Clone upgrade was mentioned, the “pk2devicefile.dat”…

Transmitter Circuits

| 2013/04/28

Spy circuit consists of 3 sections there are about 30 pieces transmitter circuit is more complex, but in most circuits modified for reinforcement, additions fm transmitter varieties has been described Market located in the library known as the FM BUG popular video circuit operation note All circuits should be used for experimental purposes only and…