Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..
TDA1554 amplifier circuits made in the previous post was shared with more flexible PCB design this circuit TDA1554 prepared accordingly asks the integrated 4 × 11 watts of output you want 4 2 outputs can be used as 2 × 22 watts. 4 channel audio input to output TDA1554 is used as 1,2,17,18 legs all…
Designed for embedded applications LPC1343 ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller low-power on-chip peripherals include UART and USB bootloader I2C, SPI, UART, Timers, Interrupt, ADC, etc.. There are a lot of features A very ARM LPC1343 on the test kit can be used on a breadboard project can be tested USB interface and Power Supply ISS Switches, Reset…
DC Servo motor driver circuit based on the microcontroller atmel atmega88 outputs half bridge driver IC Ir2184 is being used with this integrated works at a frequency of 16MHz DC servo Irf540 MOSFETs atmega88 drive circuit PCB design looks great eağle have the source schema and pcb drawings are prepared with atmega88 for non-source code…
Low-power audio applications frequently used LM380N, crafted with LM386 amplifier circuits 3 TDA7052 amplifier circuit. the same for all the integrated master PCB prepared drawing seems a just some elements of the settlement changed by this different integrated circuits. 1W amplifier 2 .5W Amp circuits, standard power indicator led, power switch and dimming potentiometer input…
According to the size of the force is quite a popular TDA2822M amplifier IC is used in computer applications, as well as headphone amp seslendirmesinin connection according to the shape of the stereo or bridge connection with single channel can give higher audio. The author used as a headphone amplifier 4 ohm 8 ohm or…
Light, dark Switch circuit operation to circuit is located on the DipSwitch 5 number must be open. 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are closed while the circuit connected to the relay output device the light key (bright environments. If the device stops the dark environment.) It is used in. 1 and 2, 3 and…
Game console MSP430 Launchpad kit and Xilinx Spartan-3A XC3S200A built on a module with all the project open-source code files and the eagle pcb files have Audio, video (vga monitor) output, and the two have a Nintendo joystick connection socket PROJECT PROPERTIES -400 × 300 Pixel VGA output -256 16 × 16 Pixel sprites images…
Nowadays Touch TFT LCD control when a lot of people interested in microcontroller programming first thought the Pic18, Pic24, Pic32, ARM, etc … but a little advanced microcontrollers and application uğraştırsa is a very old model, which shows the software can control the TFT LCD with Picbasic Pic16f628a crafted with. Picbasic TFT project author @homer380…
Digital clock project PCB design is very good and prepared and used according to the coffers of small metal wristwatch. Except for a few digital Wristwatch circuit material including all the elements of SMD type ATmega168PA digital clock project ski asm, eeprom, hex, etc. all code with source PCB layout drawing and the sprint, proteus…
555 timing IC made ??with a simple circuit than the number 2 pin trigger tip 220nF capacitor out according to the signal pin 3 of the output is rectified and the relay goes to the relay is energized contacts connected device opens or by connection closes two different modes can be 22UF 470k resistor and…