Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

32 GB EMMC Memory Micro SD card Connection

| 2014/02/26

Hello friends. In this article, we offer you a while ago, I finished the handmade for 32 gb mmc card project page. First of all, I want to talk about the structure of memory cards. As you know, the market is very different in structure and size, expandable memory unit’s profile is written in Dutch.…

With 4 Digit 7 Segment Time DS18B20 Thermometers pic16f628

| 2014/02/26

Pic16f628 microcontroller-DS18B20 sensor clock thermometer based on the project has been very useful and detailed narration. Pic16f628-DS18B20 On the streets, the streets often started to see their side – instantly claiming your dependability or your willingness to serve the public, Turkish people maybe advertisers pay attention çekmekdeki with the application of the new method of…

Pic16f84 RGB Led Strip Animation Circuit

| 2014/02/25

PIC made with 8-channel moving light circuit. Combine some of this circuit outputs a rgb led Ribbon. the result satisfying. Three different buttons animation circuit. Which if you hold that the animation comes in. If you connect the pushbutton switch instead of the constant animation of the animation to remain stable. The circuit is required…

ENC28j60 Ethernet Module For Arduino Kit

| 2014/02/25

Arduino Kits can be merged with the Arduino Ethernet module is based on the materials used in the design of the PCB DIP ENC28j60 SMD No 3 .3V regulator is used for the material, I don’t think that’s in the market rather than LD1086 LM1117-3.3 is available. ENC28j60 Ethernet module for plenty of examples of…

190W RMS Darlington Car Amplifier TIP142 TIP147 SG3525 Converter

| 2014/02/24

190W RMS output stage amplifier circuit PCB printed circuit design darlington transistors are used TIP142 TIP147 very good original Car where there is no difference. Darlington amplifier supply voltage of +-30v DC battery to translate the symmetrical SG3525 control IC izerine Board is used only in this episode and amp DCDC converter circuit on the…

FT245R USB control program and application circuit

| 2014/02/24

FT245R USB parallel FIFO control IC with USB port, you can control the output, input pins through the program. The author used the program prepared by the manufacturer, by making the application circuit is a simple and direct, there’s little element circuit. FT245R USB control utility has been tested on Windows 7 32 bit, 64…

Guitar Tuning Project with Arduino Uno

| 2014/02/22

Arduino Uno kit on the Board at the entrance of the TL082 opamp used Guitar Tuning circuit audio audio input and frequency to detect the “Arduino-Frequency-Detection” software used. According to the LEDs light at certain frequencies sesisnin the guitar. E – 82.4 Hz A – 110Hz D – 146.8 Hz G – 196Hz B –…

Electronic Piano Using PIC microcontroller (PIC18F4550)

| 2014/02/22

Electronic piano circuit PCB printed circuit board drawing upon the Pic18f4550 microcontroller PIC has been a regular speaker on the card directly to number 2 in the pin of this RA0-Pic18f4550 AN0 pine bjt, mosfet transistor or the amplifier can be increased by adding volume. B1 …Each of the different frequencies of sound to piano…

Pic16f877 With Bottle Filling System

| 2014/02/21

In this article, and a student friend, talk about his work with a bottle filling machine from the block schema system easier. Block diagram of bottle filling machine; 1: Tape engine starts to spin. “GETTING a NEW BOTTLE” author 2: Sensor detects when the motor stops the bottle. The screen is GETTING READY to BE…