Category Archive: Electronics Projects
Guitar Tuning Project with Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno kit on the Board at the entrance of the TL082 opamp used Guitar Tuning circuit audio audio input and frequency to detect the “Arduino-Frequency-Detection” software used. According to the LEDs light at certain frequencies sesisnin the guitar. E – 82.4 Hz A – 110Hz D – 146.8 Hz G – 196Hz B –…
Electronic Piano Using PIC microcontroller (PIC18F4550)
Electronic piano circuit PCB printed circuit board drawing upon the Pic18f4550 microcontroller PIC has been a regular speaker on the card directly to number 2 in the pin of this RA0-Pic18f4550 AN0 pine bjt, mosfet transistor or the amplifier can be increased by adding volume. B1 …Each of the different frequencies of sound to piano…
Pic16f877 With Bottle Filling System
In this article, and a student friend, talk about his work with a bottle filling machine from the block schema system easier. Block diagram of bottle filling machine; 1: Tape engine starts to spin. “GETTING a NEW BOTTLE” author 2: Sensor detects when the motor stops the bottle. The screen is GETTING READY to BE…
STM32F429 Discovery with Touch Resistor Code Calculator
Hi, in this article I offer ST’s new STM32F429 Discovery and Development Board and issued with this card I am carrying out the initial application. STM32F429 Discovery before “STM32F3 Discovery Kit review” article, I mentioned the Discovery development kits that at the date of the most recent çıkanıdır. I had the opportunity to review the…
Encoder, angle measurement CCS C Pic16f628 sample application
Hi Friends, In this article I will mention the use of incremental enkoderlerin. These encoders with precisely how to angle measurement or position determination to do it. Market the Absolute (absolute) Encoders and İncremental (Incremental) Encoders, including two types of encoder. Absolute Encoders, they give different outputs for each position. This type of enkoderlerde Gray…
Simple shaking machine for printed circuit acid pool
Printed circuit board PCB pressure yaptıkdan after a lot of people, myself included, to melt the copper plaque perhidrol the spirit of using this mixture a mixture of salt and very harmful if inhaled timing how long you estimate it might break if mixture appears in the way copper machine will be very beneficial to…
With a simple Timing circuit CD4060
CCS Toggle Led Example PIC16F877
PIC16F877 Led Toggle CCS C This program connected to the port-B with 8 LED TOGGLE command 500 ms delay. order is flash LED the. CCS CToggle Led Schematic Diagram CCS CToggle Led Simulation Video CCS Toggle Led proteus isis simulation schematic CCS source, hex code files: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format):