Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..
I guess you have to know the power amplifier tda7377 integrated a high-performance chip compared to the price. TL074 Tone Control opamp DC rectifier used in the project on the floor low operating voltage DC 8V to 18V on the PCB is integrated with solid filte… 50…the AC outlet 12V DC 60W transformer you can…
Designed for the control of the fan motors used for cooling purposes. 4A 24V DC motor with soft start cooling fan is driven with the control card has made; and supply of other system components and is intended to avoid sudden loading peaks. The thermostat with the control card to be connected to the ignition…
AV800 Amp Forum application @fatih_celebi24 my brother have been sharing it sharing be noted that the following description has been a long time thanks for sharing it @fatih_celebi24 Hello, I tried to draw a long time ago AV800 Amp just as a hobby I decided to post my circuit made and were tested. N-Channel 5…
the spectrum analyzer circuit a project of Arduino Duemilanove Module 7-band graphic equalizer on board sound on the ground floor MSGEQ7 used to integrate MSGEQ7 is a very talented 8-pin ICS in the frequency bands of the 63-Hz and 160-Hz, 400-Hz, 1-kHz, 2.5-kHz, A 6.25 kHz and 16kHz RGB PCB for Arduino MSGEQ7 spectrum analyzer…
Drawing robot Arduino Uno module is built on a parts kit that was used for the mechanical part of servo motor 3 except that the toy is being used. Generate image data of the robot for communication on matlab arduino IO you need to install the package. Pencil drawings made with drawing robot test in…
At the request of a friend, ‘science and technology’ magazine published in electronic schematic and printed circuit board of the LCD display, I rearranged the periodic table. To our friends that may need an application usually student. System analysis, etc. can be implemented as a project in class. Ruler circuit project Proteus Ares pcb and…
The author uses AVR microcontrollers, but has a structure that can be used with different microcontrollers.. button, LED, switch, LCD, etc. gather the cards together and made a single card as well as passive recreational module – Keyboard Matrix (number of rows – 4, number of columns – 4); – Chapter separate and independent buttons…
the PIC18F452 is a simple calculator circuit that can process that I did with 4.You can enter the five-digit numbers.(for Word).Also able to make fractional calculations.After you find do an operation and the result is a new transaction in order to make them “equal” you must press the button.If you have any questions on the…
As far as I know the system first began to be used in the image on the computer monitor Ambilight the most intense color, whatever color changes the LEDs accordingly when I find a solid that was used in the TV project after share anyway Ambilight Arduino Mega on board Sound activated color changing LEDs…
ARM-based rapid prototyping for custom designs or LPC11U35FHI33/501, ARM M0 that is built on a microprocessor card handy to complete the schema is completed and all source files for PCB drawings, samples a given project… In addition, a smaller version of the card you see in the pictures (tiny arm) MCU: NXP ARM M0 LPC11U35FHI33…