Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Tv Remote Jammer Circuit 555

| 2008/01/13

Joking can be used as a fun tool, a simple TV remote control is preventing circuit Integrated circuit made ​​with NE555 Timer. Tv Remote Jammer 10k potentiometer on the circuit to adjust the controls are doing!/

Old Cd Rom Track Player with Microcontroller

| 2008/01/13

Old Cd Rom in handy if you want to make a Track Player PIC16F877 and AT89C51, AT89S52 controllers are made ​​with good projects. Add to My Cdrom the features of the project with PIC16F877: Open, Close, forward, backward, Start, Stop, Eject, Close, Info cdrom audio output is also made ​​with a simple ANFIS to strengthen…

PIC18F4550 Control stepping motor via USB interface delphi

| 2008/01/13

This is an example that demonstration how to control some devices via USB interface.The PC software program with delphi. Feature : – CPU PIC18F4550 with full speed USB interface at 48MHz. – USB 2.0 compliance – Use on-chip USB driver – Control 1 stepping motor. – MPLAB C18 for firmware at USB devices side. –…

Adjustable Power Supply Circuits Archive

| 2008/01/13

In our workshop, to run various circuits, or battery, battery charger that you can use in projects 0.x 0:30 volt power supply circuit that contains a variety of amps I’ve prepared a package. In addition to the professional power supply circuit includes a simple low-power designs. Circuit in the voltage range of 0.30 volts forces…

100 Watt Hifi Amplifier Circuit and 5-Band Equalizer

| 2008/01/13

Although a bit complicated PCBs in the circuit diagram drawing made ​​easy thanks to an amplifier circuit. Quite elegant in a printed circuit board component layout design very elegant addition to solid volume control located equalizer in the frequency range 15kHz, 50Hz, 250Hz, 1kHz, 4kHz, Output power transistors metal-sheathed (to3) transistors forces quite high during…

100 Watt Amplifier Circuit TDA7294 PCB

| 2008/01/13

TDA7294 integrated amp is pretty popular in a very sound system is being used. Has a very clean sound. The materials used in the circuit with very little a few passive components are easy to install. TDA7294 100V – 100W DMOS AUDIO AMPLIFIER WITH MUTE/ST-BY Very high operating voltage range (±40v) Dmos power stage High…

Microcontroller Controlled Robot Projects

| 2008/01/13

Multi-robot projects have been realized with the microcontroller. In addition to professional practice ‘projects have simple robot Most of the projects in the PIC16F series microcontrollers used ATMEL series over with no project varieties plenty sumo robots, line following robot, rope climbing robots, crawling robots also Turkish thoroughly robotics Anlatımları interested in this subject people…

Speaker Cabinet Designs Diagrams Schematics

| 2008/01/13

If you want to make your own cabin for Anfi with details galore “Speaker Cabinet” design there. Bass, treble filter media used in the cabinet (crossover) available with the transferor. Many “Speaker Workshop” program and detailed designs prepared quite well (. Swd files) Speaker, Cabinet Designs All Files :

Stepped and Isolated Dimmer Circuit

| 2008/01/13

Lamp Dimmer, motor speed, you can use applications such as soldering iron temperature control dimmer circuit 220 volts (AC)’ll be retrieving landing device for control of the isolated dimer 100w Stage. MOC3040 Opto isolated diac provided with a selective process and control triac BT136 used without coolant CD4001 CD4017 integrated use of CAUTION dimer is…

RJ45 UTP Cable Tester Circuits PIC16F627 PIC16F84

| 2008/01/13

RJ45 UTP cable test, there are two different circuits to control the strength of the circuits made ​​with PIC asm code and the PCB (circuit 2) files have our own UTP RJ45 Cable Tester Make your device The only difference is almost a one identical circuits used in microcontrollers circuit PIC16F627-04 used a basic passive…