Author Archives: Ahmed Yerli

LED Spotlight Lamp SMD5050

| 2016/04/23

Which meant my mind for a while to do but I think the new 20W Halogens in the bathroom that led from their place and occur at the end of SMD5050 I wanted to share the spotlight. Each of the light is nice, although certain Halogens, heat, and power consumption is high. Also will be…

Tone-Controlled TDA7377 Amplifier Project

| 2016/04/22

I guess you have to know the power amplifier tda7377 integrated a high-performance chip compared to the price. TL074 Tone Control opamp DC rectifier used in the project on the floor low operating voltage DC 8V to 18V on the PCB is integrated with solid filte… 50…the AC outlet 12V DC 60W transformer you can…

Project RAS100 Amplifier 4X100W

| 2016/04/22

I’ve shared before, “Ras100 100W hi fi Amplifier version 2” as I applied RAS100 4x amplifier project the circuit in addition to DC power supply filter speaker protection circuits that have a solid and I made this special for Channel 4. PCB diode Bridge DC filter hasn’t already been used in the design of the…

Stereo Amplifier Project with LM3886

| 2016/04/22

LM3886 Amplifier integrated is very popular, many applications have been made, I made a special design and I am sharing it. First of all, there are differences between the photos and the pcb, some because of the material values I have and some because they are in the development phase. You should take the PCB…

Complete Speaker Protection Circuit

| 2016/04/22

Transistor protection circuit for the amp speaker I’ve shared before, “and led Delayed-Exciting DC Speaker protection circuit” The advanced form of the application is different. with the characteristics of the speaker protection circuit; detects a DC voltage leakage which can damage speakers, the speaker disconnects the amplifier from short-circuit (overcurrent protection), overheating protection and thermostat…

TEA2025B stereo Amplifier circuits

| 2016/04/21

the TEA2025B battery 6V stereo Amplifier circuits that will work with my goal of making an amp that could power enough and relatively practical. In fact, this recipe is more Class D amfile and ready to comply with but is not because I don’t want to use the chance to get this out of my…

Compact Stereo Amplifier Project

| 2014/04/09

A previous article, I shared my “TDA7294 Stereo amplifier circuit of controlled Loudspeaker-protected tons of” project was a more compact amp. Designed for use on my computer. Amplifier TDA2030, popular with LM1875, the sight of TDA2040, can be used in a one-to-one connections this amplifier circuits TDA2050 integrations are compatible with different output power and…

TDA7294 Stereo Amplifier Circuit Of Controlled Loudspeaker-Protected Tone

| 2014/03/10

Hi guys, I used the new project again with proven performance, sound, price TDA7294 an amplifier IC. This project, in addition to double check before I share tons of “delayed and Led Excitation Speaker DC protection circuit TDA7294 Stereo” and “2X100” projects, we can say that a combination of amplifier circuit (when the minor detail…

Constant voltage, output power Supply Set for experiments

| 2013/11/13

Hi friends, As our name suggests in this circuit multifunction power supply. However, its share has been to make the circuit of the bay I barely find time. I have my bass with the PCB of the card, but you can see the slight differences based on PCB y. If you change the PCB will…

TDA7294 Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit

| 2013/09/22

Guys Hi, I come to you with a new circuit. To tell you from the beginning, this circuit is developed with requests from me. These are simple, low-cost, practical, small size and a subwoofer amplifier for a standard home environment was sufficient.I think it’s just been such a circuit.Amplifier power is flawed TDA7294 with max.…