Experiment card design, layout and ATmega32 microcontroller ATMega16 been quite well prepared for the software can be tested not very advanced test card may be enough for a lot of users.
Try some of the features of the Atmel Development Board; 4-digit LED display, WA replicated; 4 × 4 or 4 × 1 keypad (buttons), Buzz Real Time Clock PCF8583;, 2 × 16 LCD, Converters D / potentiometer, TSOP1736 IR receiver, IR LED transmitter 24Cxx Memory Place Serial EEPROM ULN2003 CMOS compatible TTL TWI interface connector JTAG programming RS232 connection ATMega16
3V3, 5V, 12V voltage stabilizers
4 digit multiplexed WA LED display
4×4 or 4×1 keyboard
8 LED lines (RED on) + 4 additional LEDs (four colors RED, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE LED on)
PCF8583 real time clock
Socket to connect 2×16 LCD or graphics of the same size + Backlight controlled by a jumper from UC or manually
Potentiometer to test the A/D converter on uC!
TSOP1736 infrared receiver
IR LED infrared emitter
Space for serial EEPROM 24CXX memory
Seven Darlington transistors placed on a ULN2003 chip (7x500mA) controlled by voltages compatible with TTL, CMOS
1-Wire interface connector
TWI interface connector
RS232 Interface Connector
Atmega16(Atmega32 or other compatible) and also Atmega8 for cooperation! for example, to test the TWI Interface on Atmega-ch!
SPI programming interfaces (pin order is changed. Not compatible with Kanda standard (STK200).
JTAG programming interface on Atmega16
Source: elektroda.pl Leszek K. (aka lechoo)
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2011/05/29 Tags: avr development board
MSP430 Launchpad Examples MSPEXP430G2 Board PCB
MSP430 to help business users a helpful archive. MSP430 Launchpad MSPEXP430G2 prepared for application card scheme pcb and gerber files (eagle) separate the Assembly CCA, II and C language prepared by the ADCs, Timer, SPI, I2C, WDT etc.I 75 Total sample code’s.
MSP430 examples;
ADC10, ADC10, Sample A11, Lo_Batt, Set P1.0 if AVcc < 2.3V ADC10, ADC10, Output Internal Vref on P1.4 & ADCCLK on P1.3 ADC10, Sample A7, 1.5V, TA1 Trig, Ultra-Low Pwr ADC10, DTC Sample A1 32x, AVcc, TA0 Trig, DCO DC10, DTC Sample A1-0 16x, AVcc, Repeat Seq, DCO ADC10, ADC10, DTC Sample A0 -> TA1, AVcc, DCO