RTL8019 ISA Web Server Circuit ATmega32 Relay Control Camera Connection

| July 19, 2023 Updated
RTL8019  ISA Web Server Circuit ATmega32 Relay Control Camera Connection

Sharing all resources in a very detailed and complex project can be an example for different applications. Now, ATmega32 web server project is shared on microcontroller.com site, and the source of the project is ulrichradig.de (previously mentioned, shared) ISA ethernet card and atmel control card.

A module (I2C interface) to work with this web server card (I2C interface) is shared on the hanf-elektrotechnik.de site, built on the module PCF8574A, 8 relays can be controlled via the web, the status can be observed with the leds on the circuit and the camera can be connected. All source codes are shared.

ATmega32 Atmel Web Server

atmega32-web-server-150x150 pcf8574a-role-kontrol-web-sunucu-150x150 webserver-kontrol-150x150

The web server is an experimental project. It is intended to show what else goes with a simple controller and an old network card. Of course, this can not be a full-fledged server due to limited resources. With us the corresponding functions will operate satisfactorily, but is no guarantee that it works flawlessly with others. For example, the TCP / IP stack is implemented only partially.

The ISA-Ctrl board has an ISA slot for receiving an NE2000 compatible network card. Are supported with RTL8019 chip or 3C5x9 currently NICs. When using a chip 3C5x9 a small Anpasung the circuit board is necessary You have to use an ISA slot not mandatory! The slot consists of a 2×31 and a 2×18 pin pin socket. When the 2x18er on the board times hard look at you will notice that only two pins are used. These are +5 V and GND. These are (for all my available network cards) already bridged to the NIC for 2×31 pin connector. This means that you can save in this case, the smaller socket. A 2×31 pin connector can be found easily at Reichelt …

Source: mikrocontroller.com/de/ RTL8019 ISA Web Server Circuit ATmega32 Relay Control Camera Connection schematic source code files alternative link

RTL8019 ISA Web Server Circuit ATmega32 Relay Control Camera Connection dw link

Password: 320volt.com

Published: 2009/05/10 Tags: ,

1 Comment “RTL8019 ISA Web Server Circuit ATmega32 Relay Control Camera Connection

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