LM2575 Switched Lithium-Polymer Charging Circuit

| July 17, 2023 Updated
LM2575 Switched  Lithium-Polymer Charging Circuit

The charging circuit can fast charge “Lithium polymer” lipo batteries for three batteries connected in series in switched mode.

3 of series-connected batteries rechargeable S1 segment with a key charging current 350-milliampere 530-milliampere 720-milliamp-1000-milliampere between can be selected charging status LEDs observations can model, model, robot works and of persons engaged useful to a circuit

Specifications: Lithium-polymer charging circuit

Charging methods: ………………………………………… ………………… made current
Loadable Battery type: ……………………………………….. ………… 3-cell lithium polymer
Nominal battery voltage: ………………………………………. …………………………………. 11.1 V
Charging voltage: ………………………………………… …………………………………………. 12 6 V
Charging current: ………………………………………… ….. 350 mA, 530 mA, 720 mA, 1000 mA
LED indicators: ………………………………………. ……………….. operation, loading, preloading
Charge amplifier: ………………………………………… …………………… step-down switching regulator
Preloading: ………………………………………… ………… I = 10% of the selected stream
Operating voltage: ………………………………………… ………………………… 15 V-30 V DC

lityum-polimer-lipo-pil-hizli-sarj-150x150 lipo-battery-pil-sarj-lm2575t-lm3420a-150x150

Lithium-ion polymer cells are among the latest Changes in the battery region and are capable of a large amount of energy at low weight available to ask. Therefore, these new batteries are also used for various Model disciplines very interesting. The presented Charging circuit for widespread battery packs with three cells connected in series and 11.1 V nominal voltage designed.

Lithium-ion polymer cells, often simply referred to as lithium polymer cells, are still fairly new on the battery market,
but have due to the high energy yield already a wide range of applications conquered. Especially in the field of model, where it comes to light weight Lithium polymer cells have a Cell voltage of 3.7 V, whereby the The final charge voltage of 4.2 V per cell must necessarily

Source : http://www.elv-downloads.de/service/manuals/LIPO /LIPO3_KM_G_041221.pdf LM2575 Switched Lithium-Polymer Charging Circuit schematic alternative link:

LM2575 Switched Lithium-Polymer Charging Circuit

Password: 320volt.com

Published: 2009/03/23 Tags: ,

1 Comment “LM2575 Switched Lithium-Polymer Charging Circuit

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