220 volts AC mains voltage and low current LEDs can operate with a simple circuit
CAUTION Be careful is working with high voltage capacitor circuit connections Beware + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running the insured Power Line circuit, protective goggles.
low material cost quite a simple circuit 🙂 1 1N4007 diode least two pieces in 33k resistor and a second power SMD LEDs in a tiny circuit is made with materials that would
Did an experiment using the following calculation on page 5 pcs white LEDs were used for the material is not considered a good example of a somewhat rough circuit again direct 220 volt mains voltage diode bridge 400v 4.7uF capacitor to filter I’ve added straightened with
Each section = 5 = 3 LEDs Voltage (volts) LED Current (mA) = 25 = 310 input voltage (volts DC)
Published: 2008/01/13 Tags: analog circuits projects, led projects, simple circuit projects
Wheels bike light circuit
ATTINY2313 a flashy accessory for your bike 74LS595N 25LC080P a good practice based on the software with all the details have pcb diagram hex code schema (schema) and PCBs (br) Latest eaglecad prepared by
220 Volt AC-Netzspannung und Low-Current-LEDs können mit einer einfachen Schaltung betrieben werden
VORSICHT Seien Sie vorsichtig beim Arbeiten mit Hochspannungskondensator-Schaltkreisanschlüssen. Vorsicht + – Wenn Sie die Hochspannungspolarität anschließen, kann es zu starken Explosionen kommen, bevor Sie den versicherten Stromkreis der Stromleitung betreiben. Tragen Sie eine Schutzbrille.