PIC16F876 F877 Seri Port Servo Kontrol Programı

| Mayıs 24, 2023 Tarihinde güncellendi
PIC16F876 F877 Seri Port Servo Kontrol Programı

Seri port üzerinden pic16f876 ve pic16f877 ile 8 adet servo motor kontrol ek programı ek olarak test için örnek c dili hazırlanmış kod var

PCBway Türkiye PCB Manufacturer PCB Assembly


To follow this project need to arm themselves demoboard 16F876 (or 16f877), the RS232 module, a PC serial port and 8 servants well. If you do not have home-8 servants, you can also use a door solo.Alle B of the PIC will be connected wireless signal of the servants and the rs232 module connects to the pins RC6 and RC7. You can connect the PC to the serial form rs232, program the PIC and install the control program in your PC

Kaynak: fisertek.it/index_000032.html (kapalı)


Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Yayım tarihi: 2009/01/07 Etiketler: , , ,

3 Yorum “PIC16F876 F877 Seri Port Servo Kontrol Programı

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