Tag: pic16f628 projects

microcontroller pic16f628 Circuits, pic16f628 Projects pic16f628 sample code pic16f628 applications

PIC16F628A Line following robot project

| 2008/06/01

Line following robot project with a more powerful battery and the engine was a good guess but it can result in opportunities, folks have the best hand made ​​based on PIC16F628A circuit used for the detection sensor CNY70 L298 used for motor control Line following robot control board Line following robot test PIC16F628A Line following…

Philips RC5 Remote Dimmer with PIC16F628

| 2008/04/19

The purpose of the remote dimmer control circuit TV (Philips RC5 code) 220V lamp with brightness adjustment can be made. Increase and decrease +10, -10 and +1, -1 as is done in two ways. Circuit PIC16F628, and 4N35 MOC3021’ve used. @ Melih. While the project design involved a great many thanks to ETE evening. PIC16F628…

LCD-VFD Control Circuits PIC16F873 PIC16F628 USB RS232

| 2008/03/17

USB LCD/VFD Controller is a HD44870 based LCD/VFD controller via USB interface. The control command is compatible with Matrix-Orbital’s LCD module. So, you can use any MO friendly software to control this baby. Such as LCDC.The firmware are based on David Potter’s Serial LCD/VFD Display, but I almost rewrite the entire code. I build this…

Remote Digital Video Selector with PIC16F628 CCS C

| 2008/03/17

Three-way component video input, component video output way Three-way fiber-optic digital input, optical fiber all the way digital / coaxial output Infrared Remote Control LCD (,Cool,) LCD status display (this function is not necessary, but taking into account comparative Cool, they still want to achieve his) Video Selector,EL4332 Three-way component video function is relatively simple,…

PIC16F628 RGB LED Control Circuit

| 2008/03/02

RGB LED control circuit 16F628 microcontroller based on the software prepared by JAL. Source code and circuit diagrams are available. According to information from the computer via serial port LEDs working with Visual Basic code for the application of resources given the necessary programs. RGB control circuit diagram This code is for a simple RGB…

Clock Thermometer Circuits with PIC16F628 PICBasic Pro

| 2008/01/12

Made with clock and thermometer 16F628 PIC-7 Circuit Friends, I have realized various clock and thermometer with PIC16F628A circuit I explain below. The temperature sensor used in each of the projects is DS18B20. Clock Thermometer Circuit-1: In this circuit, the clock signal with cutting method I created. I use the LCD screen as a benchmark.…

Scrolling LED Text Circuits PIC16F84 PIC16F628 PIC18F452

| 2008/01/12

PIC16F84, PIC16F628, PIC18F452 circuits made ​​with 16 32 60 Column Marquee isis proteus simulation files are one of many circuits can simulate. Source codes and codes on the circuit’s writing projects can be done by modifying the different advanced rock. Thanks to those who contributed to preparing Made with 32 column marquee 8X32 PIC16F628 pic…

Counter Circuits with PIC16F628 PIC16F84 PIC16F877

| 2008/01/12

PIC16F877, PIC16F84, PIC16F628 microcontroller software is based on the counter circuits pic-assembly prepared with PicBasic pro Circuits able to count from 0 to 9999 source code reengineer isis oluşturulabilit different working modes. Dns files there can simulate circuits 0-9 0-99 PIC16F877 pic basic matrix counter, with 3 Digit counter PIC16F84 UpDown PIC16F628 with LCD Programmable…