Tag: microcontroller projects

Various projects with microcontroller MCU or integrals known as µC. Microcontrollers. PIC circuits, PIC projects, AVR circuits, AVR projects, ARM circuits, ARM projects, Arduino circuits, Arduino projects

Peak Hold VU Meter Circuit High Power Strip LED 12V Bulb 220V Lamp

| 2025/03/03

15 channel Vu meter circuit with peak hold or peak hold feature. It can be done with PIC16F1508, PIC16F1509, microcontrollers. I powered the PIC outputs with mosfet and drove strip led. You can use cob led modules or 12v lamps instead of strip led. You can also use 220V lamp with MOC3020-TRIAC module. I couldn’t…

Arduino Memory Buttons

| 2024/12/17

A project made with Arduino to redesign a control panel with large and mechanical on-off switches. A circuit was designed with Arduino to use a smaller push-release button. The pressed buttons are kept in memory and when the power is given again, the output of the previously pressed buttons does not change. The circuit works…

Open Source ECU Project Car Engine Management

| 2024/12/17

Open source ECU. Electronic control unit is the new generation automotive engine management. With the availability of cheap but extremely powerful STM32 microcontrollers, a very simple and powerful engine management system is possible. Designed with high-performance STM32 series running Real Time Operating System. There are different versions of the project, source codes, pcb drawings, 3d…

Arcade Joystick Circuit 0 Delay

| 2024/12/17

Arcade Joystick is a DIY USB keyboard encoder made with PIC18F24K50 microcontroller. It allows you to create a USB arcade stick for example or use it in a special MAME cabinet. It has easy, cheap and simple hardware to build yourself. Features of Arcade Joystick Circuit One additional input for autofire button. The speed of…

Arduino Nano Three Channel Thermostat

| 2024/12/17

Arduino Three channel thermostat circuit uses 3 digital temperature sensors DS18B20 for measurement, an encoder module and an LCD2004 LCD with I2C module as an indicator. Arduino Nano Three channel thermostat circuit control is simple, settings are made using the encoder button. The first, second and third lines of the LCD2004 screen (with I2C module)…

Hardware Auto Mouse Click

| 2024/12/17

A circuit that makes mouse clicks at random times with ATmega8 microcontroller instead of programs known as Mouse Clicker or Automatic mouse click. To make it look like a real mouse click of a person. Clicks were made randomly from 800 ms to 1200 ms (delay between clicks) and 150 ms to 350 ms (click…

128 User LCD Display Combination Lock Circuit PIC16F628

| 2024/12/17

The password electronic lock circuit PIC16F628A can store up to 128 users’ passwords. Users can change their passwords whenever they want. PIC16F628 and external Eeprom 24c08 are used to store these passwords. 2×16 LCD is used to display system messages. A piezoelectric buzzer that makes “beep sounds” is used to indicate the number pressed and…

30 Users 1 Admin RFID Access Control Circuit

| 2024/04/17

A project using RFID-RC522 module and PIC16F628A to perform access control with RFID Key cards. Adapted from Arduino “AcessControl” software. The PIC16F628A software is written in CCS C to work without SPI hardware. The RFID-RC522 module performs the entire radio frequency communication process (13.56 Mhz) with RFID tags. An RFID tag is an electronic tag…

Adjustable power supply

| 2023/10/18

Voltage adjustment from 0.1V to 25V with “+” and “-” buttons; When the “+” and “-” buttons are held down, a slow change begins at 0.1V, after 2 seconds the change accelerates. Min. for 3A version of current limit. Min. for 150mA and 10A version. Setting it to 500mA; The current mode is selected by…

Remote Controlled Combination Lock Circuit

| 2023/05/04

I tested another combination lock circuit. The function of the system is to receive the signals from the infrared receiver and compare them with the values previously stored in the EEprom of the PIC12F675. After receiving the 4-digit password, it compares the lock activation output and outputs. To set the password, simply press the ‘Prog’…