Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

Character LCD with Jalv2 Large Font

| 2013/08/14

Character LCDs used in the custom-defined characters outside of the Standard Fonts. In this article; using a custom-defined Character parts and proper typing program code as displayed on the screen such as the following one line 2 line font name can be used. The only bad side to fit on the screen at the same…

Picbasic TFT Touch LCD project PIC16F628A SSD1289 ADS7843

| 2013/08/01

Nowadays Touch TFT LCD control when a lot of people interested in microcontroller programming first thought the Pic18, Pic24, Pic32, ARM, etc … but a little advanced microcontrollers and application uğraştırsa is a very old model, which shows the software can control the TFT LCD with Picbasic Pic16f628a crafted with. Picbasic TFT project author @homer380…

Microchip LED Lighting Applications Design Guide

| 2013/05/04

Microchip produced by PIC microcontrollers, LED drivers, LED control ICs prepared for the sample application, designer notes .. Documents in the finest detail to given information (in English) source code and in the schemes’s information in different designs could prove useful in MCP 1612 Simple Synchronous Buck Converter Design MCP 1650 750 kHz Boost Controller…

60 Seconds Stopwatch Circuit

| 2012/11/08

Authors at the bowling alley I have to use a 60-second timer circuit rules should prepare 60sec. ball in the need to throw 🙂 Anyway circuit pic16f876 microcontroller based on the output of the 2N2222 transistors with a strengthened SMD LEDs are driven writer stopwatch circuit oversized display has not used instead SMD LEDs display…

Battery Charge Circuit 12V 12AH

| 2012/11/08

Lead Acid 12V 12AH battery charging circuit PIC16F876 microcontroller based on the 16f876 LEDs and battery level show and start, stop doing their work forces in the sight of the voltage, current, adjustable L200 regulator IC is used 12V 12AH battery charging circuit’s source mikropascal codes and Proteus ARES pcb, isis simulation There are files…

Stepper Motor Driver with PIC16F628A L297 L298 Circuit

| 2012/11/07

Hello, friends. I have designed at the request of a teacher stepper motor driver circuit I want to share with you. System is going to start actually quite a few. But barely was able to finish due to the intensity of work. I made the drive has been designed as general. So it does not…

DSPIC Propeller Clock Circuit

| 2012/11/07

Air Time or propeller clock Propeller Clock much more simple microcontrollers with can be done but the authors project quite a quality job had removed to check DSPIC30F6015 microcontroller is used BLDC motors from the hard disk removed to control the speed TB6588FGES integrated the use of the watch, as well as animation can view…

PIC32 Spectrum Analyzer Circuit TFT PIC24 PIC32 Examples

| 2012/09/14

Spectrum Analyzer application PIC32 series from PIC32MX360F512L performed by imaging the 3.5 TFT LCD (16.7m. Color) 320X240 screen using software Microchip MPLAB C32 compiler prepared with ssd192x driver (SSD1928L Drivers) includes all the source code there is also the FFT aligrot the code through’s. The project was carried out in this module by module scheme…

Scrolling Text Circuit LED Matrix PIC16F628 74HC595

| 2012/09/08

Marquee circuit built on the pic16f628 microcontroller circuit 8 X 80 LED matrix used LEDs is being prepared with the source software assembly circuits 74HC595. asm, cod, etc. have proteus isis simulation file. marquee circuit computer with rs232 interface for the despatch of an advanced case of kom port communicates using the terminal program. LED…

USB Thermometer Circuit CCS C PIC18F4550

| 2012/09/01

Hi All You Guys. How long have you been working on CCS C. CCS will be able to see my level, so it is no longer something to do after arrival. In this article, I made a small application on the USB communication pic18f4550. I really wanted to deal with the USB. A little uğraştırsada…