Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

Six-Legged Basic Stamp2 Spider Robot Project

| 2011/01/10

Spider robot mechanically quite a detailed project control system based on pic microcontroller Basic Stamp 2 module is provided with circuit 7.2 Volt NiCad batteries in addition to the fed with the RC5 remote support, there is a variety of sound effects Robot circuit all sources (codes, orcad schema etc) shared a robotic jobs for…

Digital Voltage Probe PIC18F242

| 2011/01/03

Hello In this article we will talk about Making Voltage Probe. First, let me explain what is the voltage probe. Voltage Probe, displays the amount of voltage at one point. In addition to a digital value, may include features such as logic states. We will do a digital voltage probes made ​​with the PIC18F242 Voltage…

Weekly Scheduled Watering Flowers Circuit PicBasicPro PIC16f876

| 2011/01/02

I applied before the project @ ferhatyol friend revealed is a modified version of the project. 3 irrigation functions available in the program. Applications for pic16f876 microcontroller based on the 2 × 16 LCD screen display software that was used was prepared by PicBasic pro LOW (0-20sec) Meduim (21-40s) HIGH (41-59sn) circuit menu in English…

Temperature Fan Control LCD Screen TCN75 Sensor PIC16f84A PICBASIC

| 2011/01/02

The control circuit DS1621 application with which we have previously circuit ( PIC16F84A temperature fan control with LCD display -55 ° C / +125 ° C Picbasic ) TCN75 carried out with heat sensor state. And we use this circuit to TCN75 DS1621 temperature sensor is a PIN to PIN . For this reason, we…

PIC16f877A DC Motor Control Circuit LCD Display

| 2011/01/02

2×16 LCD display DC motor control application was based on PIC16F877 microcontroller proteus isis for the project and source code files (ano_mtr.bas, ano_mtr.hex) are available. PIC16f877A DC Motor Control Circuit LCD Display project Motor Control Circuit Test DC Motor Control Circuit PIC16f877A project files

PIC16F877 Air RGB writing

| 2010/12/24

Hello electoronic lovers. This breaks my spare some time to compile my application I am trying to share with you. In this article I artificially everyone said it would offer air writing application. I first inspiration is still working on the site I bought it from. Writing work was done in the air, but an…

RGB led show PIC12F675

| 2010/12/12

Hello Electronic lovers that I have done it again with you in this article is an applications often wanted to share. In this study, using the PIC12F675 and 74HC595 Entegere be moved sequential RGB light with a very nice splash of color emerges. Isis video of the application circuit and the hex code is available…

Proton ide Tutorial Proton Compiler Example

| 2010/11/25

Proton pic programming for beginners with a nice supply of protons are prepared with a lot of practice. Proton ide Tutorial Example list  Proton ide Read-Write EEPROM PIC16F877 Proton ide segment display to a PIC micro PIC16F877 7 Proton Tutorial – Analogue To Digital Conversion ADC PIC16F877 Proton ide iBUTTON Dallas 1 Wire ROMID’s…

Electronic Anti fouling Circuit Boats for Savers Ultrasonic PIC12F675

| 2010/11/23

You know a circuit that destroys and removes harmful things such as crustaceans, moths, single-celled organisms, parasites, etc. that stick to the hull of the boat, wooden parts, and engine propellers with ultrasonic signals, like ultrasonic mouse repellent circuits 🙂 this circuit is designed for boats, the frequency range and power are adjusted according to…

GPS Circuit Boats Computer PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

| 2010/11/23

It is generally known as a vehicle computer, but siliconship has prepared a project inside the boat 🙂 The main parts of the GPS system are the EM 408 GPS module and the 18f4550 microcontroller, and the circuit also has a USB connection. The project basically consists of a PIC18F4550 microcontroller, a display, and an…