Tag: battery charger circuit

battery charging circuits electronic chargers smps chargers power supply charger

USB Battery Charger Circuit Nimh Nicd

| 2008/03/04

Charger Circuit LM393 op-amp based on the computer’s USB port with 5 volts on 2 AA NiMH, NiCd batteries can be recharged. Charging current of 470 pcb circuit drawing and detailed information have. During charging, R1, R2, and R4 form a three-way voltage divider which yields about 1.26V at the non-inverting input of Z1a (pin…

Simple USB Charging Circuit

| 2008/02/20

MP4, MP3 Player, Mobile phones, various devices can be charged from a computer’s USB port charger adapter also in these devices usually designed according to standard USB cable and PC with a single USB connection cable from the charging adapter can be made. Made in China mp4 player I’ve studied for use in a very…

Microcontroller controlled battery charging circuits

| 2008/01/12

PIC Series Microcontroller ATMEL etc. Battery battery charger integrated circuits made ​​using the PIC16F819, PIC16F84, PIC16F876, ATMEGA32, AT90S4433-PCR, AT90S1200-P, based on the ATmega8’s 7units applications Microcontroller controlled battery charging circuits all files:

Battery Charger Circuits Archive

| 2008/01/12

I guess you can not Charge Battery Battery Charger Circuit will not be a lot (I 500) and Batteries, Batteries Information about Charging voltages from 3v, 7.2v, 9v, 12v, 3.7v NiCd, Li-ion, NiMH, SLA, Solar Car Battery Charger Circuit for Palm PCs, phones, etc.. Charging circuits of various electronic devices, batteries, battery charging, as well…