In 2007 I stumbled upon a very long time on a site I’ve found the power supply before you archive projects in time, but I want to share my archives for disorderly after a while 🙂 I just found files
Circuits one most of us know by now that classical positive regulator IC on the rules of the LM350 LM317 L78XX but the designs are very interesting, for example, 7805 and 7806 5v-6v positive regulator IC with 0.2V …. 30 volts 0.4 … 4 amps adjustable short-circuit proof power supply made ​​of all projects circuit pCB schematics and layout drawings photos available there are many different methods have been used to examine the benefits in
Adjustable Power Supplies Projects
- +0,2V… +30V 0,5…4A L7805 L7806
- 0…+30V 0,3…3A LM350
- 1,25…30V 0,5…5A LM317
Stabilized power supply with a continuously variable voltage and output current in the voltage range 0 .. +30 V field of electricity and 0.3 … 3A. The power supply system uses an additional stabilizer properly aligned, which was achieved thanks to a very good stabilization of the output voltage at the maximum load current over the entire range of the regulated voltage. At the same time an increase in attenuation achieved an output of the power supply ripple. The power supply has a thermal protection in the form of additional cooling heatsink along with the possibility of excluding an output of the power supply voltage in excess of the critical temperature of the heat sink. The power supply uses a monolithic LM350 adjustable voltage regulator. One version of the power supply when properly installed according to the scheme and when you start requires no adjustment and is immediately ready for operation
Stabilized power supply with adjustable voltage smoothly and output current in the range of 1.25 … 30V / 0.5 … 5A. The power supply system uses an additional stabilizer properly aligned, which was achieved thanks to a very good stabilization of the output voltage at the maximum load current over the entire range of the regulated voltage. At the same time an increase in attenuation achieved an output of the power supply ripple. The power supply has a thermal protection in the form of additional cooling heatsink along with the possibility of excluding an output of the power supply voltage in excess of the critical temperature of the heat sink. The power supply uses a monolithic LM317T adjustable voltage regulator.
Interesting Power Supply Circuits Desings schematic pcb files :
7805 Regülatör + MJ15003 MJ15004 +0,2V… +30V 0,5…4A
LM350 BD911 0…+30V 0,3…3A
LM317T 2N3055 BD249C 1,25…30V 0,5…5A
Published: 2009/09/13 Tags: power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project
LM35 Adjustable Automatic Sensitive Temperature Control Circuit
LM35 temperature sensor is used for temperature sensing circuit of this sensor with famous microcontroller controlled circuit was shared abundance simple quality’re located in a corner of a circuit
VR is working with 12 volt DC Circuit Sensitivity can be set between 1 potentiometer with 0-150 ℃ integrated control circuit of the LM358 dual op amp output relays in the high-power devices can be controlled very precisely with a simple inexpensive automatic thermostat
Sensitive Temperature Circuit