PICKit2 original copy I made turned out to be different, including the PicKit2 clone shares PICKit3, but for a very long time, this design is very simple to use and also 2 version 3 .3V can be set to remove on the circuit programming with sufficient
PICKit 2 the clone belongs to a schema design, pcb layout drawings and will be installed there are hex file PK2V023200. pic18f2550 microcontroller.
Source: micros-designs.com.ar/pickit2-clone-5v3-3v/ alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19110.zip
Published: 2012/06/17 Tags: pic18f2550 projects, programmer circuit
Handmade Solder Pot
I occasionally came to my mind was a project me if I did a simple soldering iron, I should get rid of trouble with the material removal mechanism set up a very clean tidy author has done his own soldering ….
First, an empty tin can container cutting will be soldered to a standard height of 2 cm after preparing an electric heater, 30v 100w will work with the calculated resistance wire cutting
what is the password to the zip file LINKS-19110.zip
Amigos o meu PICkit 2 o ci que esta o OS 9Sistema Operacional ) corrompeu,gostaria de achar o arquivo novamente para gravar no PIC 18F2550 – 1/SP estou precisando deste Gravador de PIC. Agradeço todos.