Nixie clock circuit software 16F877 ccs c prepared by the controller based on the display indicating that circuit anyway `at 2 Lamp made with Nixie do not have any information about the project and schema files are available in source c
In response to a request from a student, I made a Nixie clock using the Nixie tube. I have a lot of Nixie tube of Hitachi in hand, but I used the (NEC) LD-955A used this time. Driving circuit in the static display using the 74141, the control uses the PIC16F877 you are taught in school, I tried formed a soft CCS-C. Since using XTCO the main clock, it does not slip off one second even after one month.
PIC16F877 CCS C Nixie Clock Project
Source site: jimcom.net PIC16F877 Nixie Clock Circuit CCS C source code schematic files alternative link:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/01/23 Tags: ccs c examples, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects
Simple Melody Circuit with PIC16F84A DO-RE-MI-FA
PIC16F84A microcontroller with the basic DO-RE-MI-FA pic of a simple circuit that can produce notes prepared by software RA3 assembly speaker connected to the output of 0.5W. Guide to use the PIC electronic work, I made a Doremifa organ using the 16F84A as the 2. We put out the sound of each Doremifa in SW8 or tact and pulled up by clearing 7BIT of the OPTION register because it is just PORTB 8BIT. Circuit also program a timer which I made before the much the same.
PIC16F84A DO-RE-MI-FA Schematic