PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control

| July 5, 2023 Updated
PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control

CCS PCM compiler pic16f876 microcontroller circuit prepared with software installed on the PIC hex output FETs are driven IRL1004 MOSFET PWM frequency of 10 kHz with the engine. Prepared with eagle pcb circuit and printed circuit board file source software.

pwm_motor_pcb_ccs-120x120 pwm_motor_speed_irl1004_ccs_c-120x120 PIC16F876-PWM-Motor-kontrol-ccsc-120x120

I tried several ready made PWM speed control circuits. Of the few I tried, there were problems that I did not like.

1) Lots of components.

2) PWM running as a low frequency which became audible as a loud buzzing sound from the motor.

3) I needed to build it now, and did not have all the components.

My solution, although it’s much like cracking nuts with a sledge hammer, solved these problems.

The PWM frequency is about 10 kHz and does not make a noise in the motor.

The 5 K Ohm potentiometer is connected to ADC input channel 0 and is converted to

1024 (10 bit) value, this value is applied to the PWM control and produces very smooth speed control.

The HEXFET type IRL1004 has extremely low on resistance (0.009 Ohm) and requires only logic level drive, in this

application it does not get warm even when controlling 1 Amp motor current. according the IRL1004 data sheet it

can handle much higher motor current.

It is important to have a moderately fast diode across the motor supply, as close to the motor as possible.

Possible future changes:-

Add RS-232 for software control which could be used for other projects.

Allow the motor to rotate in either direction by adding an H-Bridge output stage.

Control more than one motor using the same microcontroller.

Use a smaller microcontroller.

HEX file for PIC16F876 (overkill) will be made available at the end of the month.

Add tachometer for precise speed control.

PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control ccs c Alternative link:

PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2008/03/02 Tags: , , , , , ,

4 Comments “PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control

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    PWM-Motordrehzahlregelung PIC16F876

    CCS PCM-Compiler pic16f876 Mikrocontrollerschaltung, die mit auf den PIC-Hex-Ausgangs-FETs installierter Software vorbereitet ist, wird mit der Motor-IRL1004-MOSFET-PWM-Frequenz von 10 kHz angesteuert. Vorbereitet mit Eagle Leiterplatten- und Leiterplattendateiquellensoftware.


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