Coil winding machine based on the Atmega8 microcontroller motor driver for stepping motor is used on the floor of the L293 used on any sensor makes the calculation according to the indicator used for LCD WH0802 for keypad 12 buttons used.
Automatic Coil Winding Machine, belonging to the CVAVR source code proteus isis simulation file and schema has
source: cxem.net/ alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22949.zip
Published: 2014/05/06 Tags: atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects
Free Electronic Circuit Simulator Spice-Based TINA-Ti
Texas Instruments TI the TINA-a useful application of SPICE-based Analog simulation program. The program is available in a wide range of special library and Texas instruments (new release added National Semiconductor opamps) schematic symbol editor hundreds of example application circuit, has also a lot of property visually etc detailed user manual.
In a way, a program to prepare the schema appropriate for the simulation, at least visually, drawing is different than other programs, coloured schematic:)
ATmaga8 L293 Automatische Spulenwickelmaschine
Spulenwicklung Maschine basiert auf dem Atmega8 mikrocontroller Motortreiber für Schrittmotor verwendet wird, auf dem Boden des L293 auf jedem sensor macht die Berechnung gemäß dem Indikator verwendet für LCD-WH0802 für das Tastenfeld 12-Tasten verwendet.
Automatische Wicklung Maschine, aus der CVAVR-source-code proteus isis-simulation-Datei und Schaltplan