Motor driver circuit power pretty high 20 volts can operate author 15v tried and 15 amp power received H-Bridge (H-Bridge) MOSFETs to drive the HCPL-3101 opto-Kubla’s used this element MOSFET and IGBT to drive manufactured in motor control of the main section (microcontroller, etc. .) better not isolated to avoid exposure to 20kHz PWM frequency can be controlled with TTL serial processor atmel authors have checked with various robots, cNC, etc.. project that will be useful for quality motor drive circuit PCB, layout, etc. .. all have drawings.
Source: solarskit.wz.cz/source/robotika/md152/md152.pdf
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18189.zip
Published: 2012/01/01 Tags: motor control circuit, motor driver circuit, pwm circuits
Led Cube Circuit 5x5x5 pic16f688
Led cube pic16f688 microcontroller used in the output driver circuit in the CA4016 LED (adjustable driver 16 channel flow ) is being integrated over. Prepared with PIC16F688 assembly source software. Asm, pcb printed circuit diagram hex codes list of materials have everything complete project
5x5x5 LED Cube pictures and videos of the drive circuit;