Quality economic “Guitar Amplifier Circuit” input sound preamp and tone control floors are available in the market, all parts of the supply circuit to be made on a separate plate has pcb and diagram. Printed circuit audio input (Pre amp ne5532) section has two inputs designed in accordance with guitar jacks, low and high level audio can be input.
TDA7294 100w dmos amplifier integrated is used on the output stage, but the output power of the circuit is specified as 50w, I guess, a limitation has been introduced to reduce the noise ratio.
100W TDA7294 Guitar Amplifier Project
Part list:
P1, P2, P4: potency 22KΩ
P3: potency 4.7KΩ
P5: potency 1MΩ
R1, R3, R12: 10KΩ
R2, R4: 150KΩ
R5: 220Ω
R6, R8: 4.7KΩ
R7 22KΩ
R9: 2.2KΩ
R10: 330KΩ
R11: 33KΩ
R13, R14: 0.22Ω 5W (RB57 type)
C1, C2, C19, C20: 10nF/250V~ MKP (polypropylene)
C3, C4: 3300µF/40V
C5: 22µF/63V chemical axial
C6, C7: 1µF/63V LCC (polyester)
C8: 2.2nF/63V low esr
C9: 220nF/63V low esr
C10: 22nF/63V low esr
C11: 68pF/50V ceramic
C12: 2.2µF/63V
C13: 10nF/63V
C14: 470nF/63V
C15, C16: 330nF/63V
C17, C18: 100nF/63V
C21, C22: 10,000µF/63V
BR1: B40C5000/3300 (65V/5A diode bridge)
D1 – D4: zener 8.2V 1.3W
IC1: NE5532 (or TL072) => I recommend an OPA2134
IC2: TDA7294V or TDA7293V
IC3: 78L12 (voltage regulator)
IC4: 79L12 (voltage regulator)
FU1: Fuse 230V/0.5A
TR1: Transformer 230V/2x24V/75VA
SW1: 230V/2A two-pole switch
1 fuse holder
12CM Radiator S53 or M53 (Rth 1.8°C/W)
Insulation kit and screws for 1 Multiwatt box
2 stereo jack sockets (female)
1 Printed circuit SF epoxy 23.5×7.4 cm
1 Printed circuit SF epoxy 10×9,6 cm
6 FASTON terminals 6.35 mm
6 pins for FASTON terminals
Minimum 1mm² stranded cable
Published: 2010/01/06 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, tda7294 amplifier circuit
Guitar Distortion Effects Circuit Stomp-Box
Guitar distortion effects Circuit 2N5457, J201 FET and the opamp tl071 based on the pcb drawing and material list. Circuit should use a 9 volt battery to supply quality sound with different power sources can not already spends too little power circuit quality alkaline 9v battery runs for a long time.
Distortion Stomp-Box Circuit