Handmade Coil Transformer Winding Machine

| September 14, 2023 Updated
Handmade Coil Transformer Winding Machine

It was a subject that I thought about a lot once upon a time. I was wondering how to set up a simple mechanism to wind SMS transformers. The machines that do this job are called spinning wheels. I found it difficult to do ๐Ÿ™‚ I did a little research to get it ready, but then my curiosity faded and I came across a few documents that I wanted to share. Maybe there may be some of our readers who want to make a spinning wheel, who knows? Maybe I can do it too ๐Ÿ™‚

Top of assembly. The base timber is a piece of laminated plywood. Angles are two pieces of junk (they were a tower, are galvanized to fire). drive shafts are printer, easily findable in any junk computer that fixes printers. The good thing is that these axles are steel, but it is not a very hard steel. Can you easily work with it.

Handmade Coil Winder




Handmade Coil Transformer Winding Machine All files:

Handmade Coil Transformer Winding Machine dw link

ลžifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2010/03/07 Tags:

1 Comment “Handmade Coil Transformer Winding Machine

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

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