Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

LPC2103 ARM development board

| 2012/08/17

In spite of the small size of ARM LPC2103 development board pcb contains a lot of features in addition to the bill quite well in the shared usb card also can be used in a series of LPC210X specified. LPC2103 ARM COM ports on the test card, SD Card, LEDs, LCDs (+ nokia 3310 LCD),…

433.92 MHz RF relay control circuit PIC16F84

| 2012/08/17

RF relay control circuit of the TWS-BS3 433.92 MHz rf transmitter and RWS-371-6 433.92 MHz rf receiver modules are used. RF relay control circuit of the receiver is used in all of the relays on the Board of the RF remote control with 12v telekom substrate pic16f84 project proteus isis, ares drawings and have the…

Digital radio circuit TEA5767 AT89S8253

| 2012/08/17

TEA5767 is a digital radio, especially mp3 and fm radio module @ETE before “TEA5767 Pic16f628 Digital PLL-controlled FM radio receiver system” article is controlled with the Pic16f628 microcontroller used in this project, the radio project shared AT89S8253 audio output amplifier IC with raised TBA820. There are additional features not included in the standard controls on…

Switch Mode Power Supply Circuit SG3525 IR2110 900W SMPS

| 2012/08/11

SMPS circuit have 3 version of the 700w (+-50v 50khz), 800w (+-42v 60khz) and 900w (+-70v 50khz) circuit diagrams for the same smps pwm control output is used to drive the integrated MOSFET sg3525 ir2110, but according to some of the values are different, the forces of the output of the SMPS circuit voltajlarına has…

Antenna Analyzer Circuit 31mhz 1.3MHz PIC16F873

| 2012/08/11

1.3 MHz 31MHz Antenna Analyzer circuit based on Pic16f873a microcontroller is able to measure between the frequencies of 1.3 MHz 31MHz 2 x 16 lcd on the frequency, omaj, swr, etc displays the information. Antenna Specifications of C source code and pcb, schema, etc. have the drawings. Source: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT…

HCS12 MC9S12DP512 Development Board

| 2012/08/11

Motorola HCS12 Series Development Board MC9S12DP512 designed I’ve seen MC9S12DP512 car in the brain , the airbag control is used mostly used in industrial applications obviously not much information about but about the people that would work for simple convenient assay development board when I found I wanted to share .. the card’s PCB and…

dsPIC Development Board

| 2012/08/11

Try dspıc30f6010 Microchip microcontroller development board on the UART (max233), can (mcp2551) and so on. find all entry and exit ports for the unit diagram and PCB design drawing eagle resources are also made ​​with keyboard, RS232, LCD and so on. Sample C code given in the application. Source: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in…

4X40W Car Amplifier Circuit TDA8571J

| 2012/08/05

TDA8571J even in the car stereo 200w … 300w sold as cheap car amplifiers used in advanced integrated amplifier operating voltage of 6 volts DC …. 18volt dc circuit is established with very few passive components. TDA8571J 4×40 W BTL quad car radio power amplifier The TDA8571J is a integrated class-B output amplifier contained in…

Switch Mode Power Supply Transformer Winding

| 2012/08/05

What should lie so fast an intermediate transformer wound in our country SMPS 10 chinese necessary for the production of the song, I thought you might trafor .. almost all the countries of China SMPS, buy an adapter, even assuming that this rate is considered low by them 🙂

At Home With Professional Screen Printing Technique In PCB Production

| 2012/08/05

Previously titled Screen sharing to print with the method of screen printing method done with shared a video of video pcb will be held to the same logic, print edition, but the difference is not material for the job, I thought it would be a useful work in learning this share is directly related to…