Category Archive: Electronics Projects
PIC16F628 12 Channel RF Relay Control (RR10 Module)
12 channel RF relay control circuit, the receiver and transmitter circuits built on 80 pic16f628a microcontroller.100 meters can be seamlessly used said outdoor area also more important aerial circuit, I don’t know, but the market used the RF module and RF RR10 control belongs MPLAB node 8.88, is written with hi-tech PICC 9.83 (coder) and…
LM3914 120 Led Stereo Vu meter circuit
Calculation Program MC34063A MC33063A
MC34063A Up, Step Down to a simple handy converter IC − DCDC mc3406a calculation tool I used had a problem with this program I have shared this search is doing a more detailed calculation of the variations of the circuit to be used can be selected fast diode, etc. MC34063 Switching Controller Universal Calculator If…
Dremel 4000 With hand-made Table saw
Hand-made circular saws before projects were based on the reference to the Proxxon Bandsaw to cut circular saw Assembly and PCB in this study, hobby, shop in the popular Dremel 4000 is also used as a template for all of the measures established for sawing machine mechanism can be used with the printer output is…
Led Display Battery Charging Circuit LM317 LM3914
Circuit 12v battery charger circuit was made for cases according to regulated power supply olarakda available voltage indicator and the battery is full voltage for cutting LM3914 integrated were used .. the battery is full voltage to cut the relay additional circuit LM3914 integrates 10 of the leg connecting to. Battery charging circuit diagram first…
SIM900 Module PCB AVR Applications
Simcom Sim900 GSM module produced by the company prepared for the PCB module and ATMEGA32 microcontroller based on Nokia 3310 lcd display GSM module for remote control application SIM900D (place of origin: CN; proteus isis circuit), free with operating systems, Linux-style with the program PuTTY SSH protocol used by a connection through the application. PCB…
PCB HC05 Bluetooth Module HC05 Breakout Board
HC05 Bluetooth module pcb with your projects easier breadboard compatible PCB artwork that you perform. You can use the Bluetooth Module PCB with solder onto the HC-05 input, outputs, connection status led indicators, 3.3 v regulator and other required passive circuit components on the PCB. HC05 PCB module can be used with a simple example…
SMD Integrated, Transistor, Diode Case Information
NXP company products (integrated, transistor, says) for the beautiful catalog has prepared materials photos in which the sheath is and covers the dimensions of the material image below has added so NXP products do not use the catalogs in different projects easily SMD case information will be useful for;) SOD962, SOT1194, SOT1157, SOT1158, SOD882D, SOT1202,…
CCS Buttons with LED Control PIC16F877
CCS C simple application Buttons with LED Control circuit. This program B0 connected to the port LED connected to RA0 input is controlled by a button. Button-LED Control Simulation Test Proteus isis Schematic Button-LED Control Button-LED Project CCS C source code and proteus isis simulation schematic files: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format):