Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..
ATTINY2313 a flashy accessory for your bike 74LS595N 25LC080P a good practice based on the software with all the details have pcb diagram hex code schema (schema) and PCBs (br) Latest eaglecad prepared by Spoke POV is an easy-to-build electronic toy that turns your bike wheel into a customized display! The project includes a free…
I saw with my eyes open or do not go at it: D Integrated say fake fake fake Transistor (Casing, potatoes) Capacitors saw in Counterfeit Capacitor I will not lie clever 🙂 Who would have thought the 6800uF capacitor inside the 2200uF will appear guess china job: D what you’re strange importers cheaper cheaper says…
Damaged Hard Drive evaluate or very old working once I do you go if you want a couple of sanding and application In the past I occasionally am using an application Remaining nice enjoyable to throw out your old HDD Hard Drive and the Emery’s terrific harmony: D can be used to sanding’s a simple…
Atmega8-16 ac circuits with LEDs monitor the spectrum vu-meters of the advanced state of our LCD and LED spectrum analyzer circuit looks very nice variety of testing everything in the middle video There are three different applications of the audio spectrum monitor’s dot matrix LED module It’s application. source: http://elm-chan.org/ – Monitor Audio Radio Spectrum
Half-Bridge SMPS PWM control circuit UC3525 integrated circuits based on the run, especially ideal for high-power amp all the ingredients of a classic type in the market. Step, described stages of the circuit construction. All the details of the calculation of a project quality, soft start, shutdown features and quality as a printed circuit board…
SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) with integrated control by the SMPS circuit having a simpler structure can be used in applications not requiring particularly clean DC voltage application CAUTION Be careful is working with high voltage capacitor circuit connections Beware + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running…
760w amp circuit is quite robust to noise ratio and low power depending on the quality pcb printed circuit drawing of circuit elements to be making more but makes it easier. Anfi circuit NE5532, LM393, LM393 op-amp fan and temperature controls have on the circuit board pcb layout pcb drawing program with Sprint Prepared for…
Atmel AVR, Atmel microcontroller series with a super “Temperature Control Measurement System” 16 sensor inputs 4 alarm inputs and the computer’s connection. Temperature measurement, alarm, an exemplary application in the PC communication This measuring system is used to record the data of up to 24 temperature sensors in the range of -55 ° C to…
USB-RS232 converter does not work well on desktop computers, but useful for Notebooks without COM port, most laptop computers do not have Serial com-port. Circuit PIC18F2455 microcontroller based on the circuit diagram hex software driver and observation programs are available. On PC desktops, RS-232 serial ports are disappearing from most computers (especially laptops) and are…
Integrated Switching Regulator LM2576 12 volts to 24 volts with a lowering circuit. National company produced by the LM2576 SIMPLE SWITCHER 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator made with a nice application also of the circuit Protel designed along with the Sema and printing Node there half the power of 3 Amps few parts with a nice…