Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

LM338K 5 amp Regulated Power Supply Circuit

| 2008/02/25

National Semiconductor integrated regulator often uses LM3XX Series, and I saw a lot of sound systems used in the device power supply of the charging circuit etc in various systems. LM338K 1.2 with very little passive elements .. 5 amp power supply can be 32 volts. A very simple circuit but stylish design a PCB…

PIC18F2455 PIC-Tengu CCS C Talking Robot

| 2008/02/24

Funny robot application is a fun app 🙂 Speaking software installed on PIC18F2455 with CCS C prepared according to the audio signal around talking smiley made ​​of LEDs. Also working in windows environment with source code in JAVA based program’s When I first saw the cloned Tengu developed by Alex on the Hackaday blog, I…

RMS 500W Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/24

System 500W RMS at 4 ohm 620W RMS power gives 2Ω, 4Ω 500W RMS, 8Ω 380W RMS Circuit of the original scheme 8 MOSFETs used and 4Ω 400W writes 2Ω speakers in order to work 10 mosfet I used the original transistors toshiba 2SK1530 and 2SJ201 but the price is expensive to have found IRFP240…

TDA1562Q Car Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/24

I tested a working amplifier circuit TDA1562Q made ​​with two pieces of the price a little expensive, but the performance is pretty good, stereo want to use Car Amplifier circuit wiring diagram TDA1562Q Note: For the sake of clarity of the drawing next to the socket erased some elements of this transaction was done just…

Gradual Subwoofer Bass Filter Circuit

| 2008/02/24

Circuit MC33074 (Operational Amplifiers) and PT2351 (Subwoofer Crossover Low Pass Filter) based on 55Hz and 65Hz 75Hz 85Hz 95hz 6 Step Switchgear 105Hz stage material can be selected by changing the values ​​you can use different frequency Bass Subwoofer Filter Circuit Frequency Table gradual CA CB CC CD 3dB 12dB 18dB 1 47nf 47nf 22nf…

0-40V Adjustable Switching DC DC Power Supply Circuit L296

| 2008/02/23

Switching power supply switching power supply circuit with high current switching regulator L296 integrated on the board 0:40 volts 4 amps of current and voltage adjustable Switching power supply on the circuit critical material as there probably l296 in the market are coil If there is no hand can be wrapped. L296 DC DC Power…

500W 1000W SMPS circuits Half bridge

| 2008/02/21

Half bridge method with different versions of the techniques used SMPS circuits test picture diagrams and photos seen in the application’s PCB file available control ICs TL494, SG3525 as a drive transformer and IR2110 used there are designs that applications design can assist you 500W 1000W SMPS circuits schematic pcb diagrams all files:

Simple USB Charging Circuit

| 2008/02/20

MP4, MP3 Player, Mobile phones, various devices can be charged from a computer’s USB port charger adapter also in these devices usually designed according to standard USB cable and PC with a single USB connection cable from the charging adapter can be made. Made in China mp4 player I’ve studied for use in a very…

SG3525 EI33 200w-600w ATX DC DC Converters Circuits

| 2008/02/20

@ Tahir brother’s a nice project, pc power supply transformer carried out with a 12 volt input voltage of 2 × 55 .90 volts + – symmetric voltage is turning circuit sg3525 PWM control IC used this SMPS circuit in your car, you want to use with high voltage running amp power supply is ideal…

12V 10V Siren Circuit

| 2008/02/19

“12 Volt 10 Watt Siren Circuit” in various shades with integrated UM3561 (police, ambulance, fire) 10w 12volt power supply and siren circuit The integrated circuit’s supply 3 volts and 5 volts for the 3.3 volt zener regulated by supply made The test tone siren circuit; [mp3][/mp3] Siren circuit works with a 12 volt car alarm…