Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Proteus isis Library Model Archive-1

| 2008/03/24

Proteus simulation program, it just works 🙂 especially as I’m trying to learn programming in PIC: D not only PIC `s other analog circuits, digital circuits in the material library is good, but insufficient LM317T regulator was required for a project of this basic protes:) but you could not find in the library occasionally none…

AV800 800W Power Amplifier Circuit Mosfet IRFP9240 IRFP240

| 2008/03/24

The cost is high 🙂 output stage 14 (IRFP240 IRFP9240) Total Supply voltage MOSFETs used quite high +92 V-92V Be Careful The 800 Watt AV amplifier is based on My 1kw Amplifier and shares the same topology and basic PCB layout. The only real difference is the number of Output devices that the unit uses.…

20W Hi Fi Amplifier Circuit with LM1875

| 2008/03/23

According to the standard scheme for LM1875 beautiful design pcb design will certainly give better quality sound extremely simple understandable way 🙂 Frequency Response: 14 Hz to 100kHz Harmonic Distortion: “0.04% SNR: 105 dB Rated output power: 20 W LM1875 Integrated Circuit use the computer without connecting to the Cooler cooler can use in power…

USB to RS232 Converter Circuit FT232AM MAX3245

| 2008/03/20

Found on notebooks with serial port can output this circuit on the circuit board Protel PCB FT232A and MAX3245 have a schema file .. USBPCB3.PCB and usb1.sch schema files prepared by PROTEL99-SA The USB to RS232 Dongle Require extra Serial Ports on your new Laptop or PC? Would you like to add USB to your…

USB Port Audio Output

| 2008/03/20

USB Port Audio Out USB Audio DAC project using the computer’s USB port can receive audio output source PCM2902 and used LP2951CM Eagle has PCM2902 Scheme and PCB files. Circuit includes DAC, ADC, SPDIF output, input and HID part with 3 buttons for MUTE, VOL+ and VOL-. I used only DAC part. Other parts are…

EEPROM PIC Programmer Circuit

| 2008/03/20

Multi PIC Programmer Circuit EEPROM programming from the RS232 port is doing quite well supply circuit on the PCB using WinPick 800 programs and 24lcxx 12Fxxx 16Cxxx 16Fxxx 18Fxxx PIC 24Cxx series 24xx series EEPROM can be programmed PIC programmer RS232: RS232 programmer for PIC microcontrollers now managed by the excellent software WinPic 800 This…

ICL7107 Voltmeter Circuits

| 2008/03/20

Power supply is indispensable for voltmeter circuit ICL7107 most commonly used in the market for this job (LCD-LED display, A / D converters) has integrated with-5v and +5 +5 volt single source we have two circuits Our first half is working with the +5 volt supply only source of PCBs to be a bit bigger…

Voice and Touch Switch Circuit

| 2008/03/18

The switch circuit works with touch and sound. It can also be used as a simple alarm circuit. The capacitive microphone can be placed on a window, door or an area inside the house, the relay works with impact or sound. The device connected to the relay becomes active (siren, lamp, motor, etc.) When the…

LCD-VFD Control Circuits PIC16F873 PIC16F628 USB RS232

| 2008/03/17

USB LCD/VFD Controller is a HD44870 based LCD/VFD controller via USB interface. The control command is compatible with Matrix-Orbital’s LCD module. So, you can use any MO friendly software to control this baby. Such as LCDC.The firmware are based on David Potter’s Serial LCD/VFD Display, but I almost rewrite the entire code. I build this…

Dijital VGA Switch MAX465 Circuit

| 2008/03/17

MAX465, MAXIM. In order to produce the first component video switch, once considered MAX465 Unfortunately, in the electronic market is not found, MAXIM made on the sample application. EL4332,MAX465,. After more than three weeks, were a surprise. During this period, however, I have chosen the EL4332 component video switch as the core, but has received…