A perfect experiment set for AVR Programmers, it has been a detailed and quality work, and there is also a usb (FT232) ISP programmer on the experiment set.
Features of AVR Experiment Set
SIPO 74HCT164, Dekoer 74HCT42, ADC MCP3202, DAC MCP4921, DDS AD9833, Led and led display, IR Receiver, Heat sensor LM35 DS18B20, LCD HD44780, S6A0069 Graphic LCD TC6963 S6B0107
Memory EEPROM 24C08 I2C, Display this tone led potentiometer controls input output pins FT232 and ATmega8 with usb ISP programmer (selected as STK500-AVRISP) AVR Prog, AVR Studio, Bascom AVR IDE programs work.
Tested AVR Micros ATMEGA8 ATMEGA84 ATMEGA88 ATMEGA16 ATMEGA32 Experiment Set Working Voltages AC: 12-18V or DC: 15-24V
Development Board for ATMEGA Microcontrollers
When developing and debugging microcontroller applications, many peripherals are needed. The easiest way to achieve this is to use a universal board on which we place both the MCU socket and the most commonly used peripherals.
This development board is made to suit both beginner and intermediate programmers. A programmer and level converters are also integrated into this board. So it is possible to use it not only as a development module, but also as a converter between USB/RS232, a standalone programmer, etc.
Circuit pcb sprint layout prepared by the first time such a large size drawing of the sprinter made with saw file “Sprint-Layout-Viewer” (viewlayout50.ex) program with a layer extension pcb file and printer output you can get.
Bayut sets of printed circuit A4 will be as follows
Print circuit drawing “grount plane” used this plaque the blanks by drawing the boumien filled in ensures filled places usually chassis is roaring, the interference cancellation ideal for different aims of may be), but in this way amateur printed circuit extraction methods may question a very good short-circuit control should make almost anywhere that copper is going to check in between the layers to disable this feature “ground plane” you must turn off
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2011/01/29 Tags: programmer circuit
Hi Fi 100 Watts Power Amplifier Circuit 2SA1943 2SC5200
100 watts power amplifier circuit based on BJT type transistors 2SC5200 transistors one (npn) one 2SA1943 (PnP) kalital have to design a circuit on the circuit in addition to about 1.5 seconds in speaker retarding’s solid. Diagrams in PDF format, print circuit layout in the list of ingredients had been given.