RGB Led Example Circuit Atmega88 Atmega8 Atmega48

| September 11, 2024 Updated
RGB Led Example Circuit  Atmega88 Atmega8 Atmega48

White led, blue led, ultra bright led, while RGB leds are quite popular microcontrollers with many sample applications, in this circuit Atmega8 Atmega48 Atmega88 can be used, atmega output, leds are driven with mosfet, software is prepared with C language. There is also a simulation drawing prepared with proteus isis.

LED strip controller Mood lamp, RGB LED or LED strip or light cable, LED lamp lamp – randomly changes color. Mood lamp produces random different colors by changing the intensity of each of the 3 colored LEDs.

Resistors in LED circuits are necessary to limit and equalize the current through the LEDs. Their values ​​are different because LEDs of different colors drop different voltages in the same current. Resistors consist of many resistors connected in parallel – their power is added up and the resistance decreases in direct proportion to their number. For example, by connecting 10 resistors of 33 ohms in parallel, we get a resistance of 3.3 ohms.



RGB Led Example Circuit Atmega88 Atmega8 Atmega48

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2011/06/22 Tags: , , ,

1 Comment “RGB Led Example Circuit Atmega88 Atmega8 Atmega48

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