Atmel ATMEGA series made with micro-controller’s three projects which can deliver projects bahramelectronic. site manager of @ Bahrain thanks to my brother.
1 – ATMega16 LCD display temperature measurement (LM35) 2 – 7 segment display with keypad application atmega8 3 – ATMEGA32 with a thermometer (LM35) hours
Atmel ATmega Projects Schematic
Atmel ATmega Projects proteus Isis proteus simulation and source of all applications. .bas, .Hex software’s files:
Atmel ATmega Projects Thermometer LM35, Display, Keypad
Published: 2009/09/20 Tags: avr project, microcontroller projects
10×10 LED Blinking 555 Flip Flop Circuit
NE555 timer integrated LEDs with a simple animation (flip flop) circuit. Flashing speed and brightness of the LEDs on the circuit, you can set with tirimpot’s drawing of the circuit PCB LEDs can sort in the way you want.
LEDs placed on the PCB smoking section must be fitted to the 100 resistance of the circuit supply voltage of 9 volts DC, 100 LEDs can be used.