PC Controlled Flower Watering Circuit with ATmega8

| July 15, 2023 Updated
PC Controlled Flower Watering Circuit with ATmega8

As far as I understand an interesting project information via computer is determined irrigation irrigation is done in the required time data exchange via RS232 com port has made ​​the source code and diagrams that can be easily applied, but not a project requires some expertise

Flower Watering Test



Flowers cast? No buck! That done long for me this little device. From time to time, I must just replenish the bucket and from time to adjust the Giessintervalle. The box includes a clock and switches 6 small pumps in programmable time intervals. You can also the moisture in the potting soil measured. But I do not remember after I twice my shack under the water did.

source : chbergmann.de Computer Controlled Flower Watering Circuit with ATmega8 schematic source code alternative link

PC Controlled Flower Watering Circuit with ATmega8

Password: 320volt.com

Published: 2008/11/25 Tags: , ,

1 Comment “PC Controlled Flower Watering Circuit with ATmega8

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