AT89S52 8051 RF DC Motor Speed Control

| July 8, 2023 Updated
AT89S52  8051 RF DC Motor Speed Control

Wireless within a certain area with a control circuit for controlling the speed of DC Motor. Work, should I use to reach my goal I began to identify materials. These materials AT89S52 microcontroller, our independent auditor by the company manufactured and price is also suitable 433MHz UHF frequency band enables communication RF receiver and transmitter modules, (ATX-34 ARX-34) DC motor will L293B 4-channel push-pull driver IC circuit to feed the fixed were elements that will provide voltage LM7805 and the environment (condensers). Then these steps simulation, PCB drawings (drawings were made in Protel dxp2004) and watched the process of writing programs in Keil

RF DC Motor Speed Control AT89S52



System operation: Control circuit and motor control circuits with RF module via serial port 8051 is a one-way communication. Increase or decrease the speed of the speed control circuit of any one of the buttons on the appropriate button is pressed, the cutting program is executed and motor control circuits based on the relevant button to increase the speed or decrease the speed commands are sent. This command area of ​​the control system by evaluating them will increase or decrease the speed of the motor will decide. The engine speed PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) method to set the 8051 program was written. In the form of PWM voltage pulse is sent to the engine. Stay at one of these pulses in the period no matter how long the engine turns so fast. PWM control of the motor speed is generally done in this manner.



AT89S52 8051 keil source code RF DC Motor Speed Control proteus simulation schematic pcb

AT89S52 8051 RF DC Motor Speed Control


Published: 2008/05/09 Tags: , , , ,

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