The Robot arm is controlled with the computer 6 servo motor used robotic arm system, built on the Arduino Uno is not more complex, additional links to make the robot arm mechanics portion of the challenge, but the writer is necessary for mechanical drawings (Google Sketchup Roboter Arm18. the SBP, Roboter Arm18 .SKP files) the Arduino Uno and eclipse java source codes. Robotic arm project application appears in the drawings, and source code for different projects may be useful.
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Published: 2013/11/21 Tags: arduino projects, avr project, microcontroller projects
Constant voltage, output power Supply Set for experiments
Hi friends,
As our name suggests in this circuit multifunction power supply. However, its share has been to make the circuit of the bay I barely find time. I have my bass with the PCB of the card, but you can see the slight differences based on PCB y. If you change the PCB will be updated again. Boxing suboptimal in nature, 90% have done with the material at hand.
Arduino Roboterarm-Projekt
Der Roboterarm gesteuert wird mit dem computer 6 servo motor verwendet Roboterarm-system, das auf der Arduino Uno ist nicht mehr Komplex, zusätzliche links, um den Roboter-arm-mechanik-Teil der Herausforderung, aber der Schriftsteller ist notwendig für die mechanische Zeichnung (Google Sketchup Roboter Arm18. die SBP, Roboter, Arm18 .SKP-Dateien) der Arduino Uno und der eclipse-java-source-codes. Roboterarm-Projekt-Anwendung erscheint in den Zeichnungen, und den Quellcode für andere Projekte nützlich sein können.