Amplifier 4×60 Watts. To its solution was first selected integrated circuit LM3886T. The proposal continued the calculations and the election of the additional components of the integrated circuit and the design of printed circuit connections. To the end amplifier was also designed system of active cooling. In the fourth chapter was made the proposal of the converter voltage. It was first designed portion control circuit on a separate printed circuit board with adjustable frequency and duty cycle of switching pulses.
Car Amplifier Circuit Schematic
DC DC Converter circuit (2x30v) For this activity was selected by the integrated circuit SG3525, which enables modulation of the duty cycle of the generated waveform by applying the output voltage of the converter. After it was designed the power part of the converter voltage in the topology of push-pull with a transformer on a toroidal the core and MOSFET transistors. The power part was also designed on a separate board the printed circuit board.
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FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25685.zip
Published: 2016/06/18 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, dc dc converter circuit, ic amplifier, lm3886 amplifier circuit, power electronic projects, sg3525 circuit
Self Oscillating SMPS Circuit Flyback 600W 60V 120KHZ
Self-oscillating switchmode power supply SMPS is used as a simple and cheap power source. Circuits that carry the architecture of the samokmitajících converters comprising, for example, resources for the charger of mobile phones or resources for power supply of data processing. It is therefore mainly of a low power applications (up to 100 W). Flyback converters are commonly also do not operate at higher power outputs (up to 300 W) with a, that is for these transducers characteristic. There are, however, ways of this phenomenon and to operate the converter at higher power outputs.
4X60W Auto Verstärker LM3886 Schaltung SG3525 DC-DC Wandler
Endstufe 4×60 Watt. Zu seiner Lösung wurde zuerst ausgewählten integrierten Schaltung LM3886T. Der Vorschlag setzte die Berechnungen und die Wahl der zusätzlichen Komponenten der integrierten Schaltung und dem design von Leiterplatten, verbindungen. Der end-Verstärker wurde außerdem das system der aktiven Kühlung. Im vierten Kapitel wurde der Vorschlag der Wandler Spannung. Es wurde zunächst entwickelt, portion control Schaltung auf einer separaten platine mit einstellbarer Frequenz und Tastverhältnis-switching Pulse.
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