VU meter circuit LM324 op amp based on this circuit a lot of books on the site saw ready vu meter integrated when there is much interest repellent, but this app is also 40 LEDs use and eagle prepared by the PCB drawing the lack of work is changing writers the same circuit 2 have made a total of 80 led vu meter prepare the project in two stereo operation with all LEDs illuminated circuit 12v 2.5 amps draws out … VU meter circuit diagram 12v DC working with the eagle (sch) and PCBs (br) files there ..
Update 40 LED VU Meter Amp Open Proteus PCB drawing ares
source: youtube.com/watch?v=5WrANIQIiXI EAGLE PCB, schema files:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-21044.zip
Published: 2013/01/21 Tags: analog circuits projects, led projects
Simple Robot projects
Interesting project from one of 3 robots robots making a good deal for simple entertaining sensitive robot, doing the job of supervised shaped according to the author’s imagination ..
first four pen drawing robotomy have one fan 9v battery for longer draw what if the baht us 🙂 Another robot reptiles of the family of 4 teeth FORCADA and servo motors are used in color because they look cute but black color and some decorations and intimidation can be done 🙂
VU-Meter-Schaltung LM324 OP-Verstärker basierend auf dieser Schaltung eine Menge Bücher auf der Website sah bereit VU-Meter integriert, wenn es viel Interesse abstößt, aber diese App ist auch 40 LEDs verwenden und Adler von der PCB Zeichnung der Mangel an Arbeit vorbereitet sich verändert Writer die gleiche Schaltung 2 haben insgesamt 80 LED Vu-Meter bereitet das Projekt in zwei Stereo-Betrieb mit allen LEDs leuchtet Schaltung 12V 2,5 Ampere zieht aus … VU Meter Schaltplan 12V DC arbeitet mit dem Adler (sch) und PCBs (br) Dateien dort ..