TDA7294 integrated amp is pretty popular in a very sound system is being used. Has a very clean sound. The materials used in the circuit with very little a few passive components are easy to install.
- Very high operating voltage range (±40v)
- Dmos power stage
- High output power (up to 100w music power)
- muting/stand-by functions
- No switch on/off noise
- No boucherot cells
- Very low distortion
- Very low noise
- Short circuit protection
- Thermal shutdown
TDA7294 Amplifier Circuit Schematic
TDA7294 Power Supply Schematic
Transformer 120w 2x25v (*)
1 x 1 amp fuse (220v transformer for input)
2 3.15 amp fuse (transformer outputs)
D1 … D4 1N5404 4 pcs (for DC Rectifier)
2 R1 .. R2 2.2K resistor (red-red-red)
C1 .. C2 1000uF 50v 2 (in the scheme looks 1000uF 10uF is better;))
2 … Led LED1 LED2 (you can use if you want to display is used for)
As indicated in the circuit diagram of the circuit power transformer power 200w 100w to 100w is 200w but it was more necessary to use higher cost of a transformer is high. Please use the transformer 120w 200w or 500w transformer but have ready in your hand while they’re being used in six 100w is important to integrate the supply voltage does not exceed the working voltage can evaluate trafoyu enough to get your hand.
TDA7294 integrated amp maximum working voltage of + – 40 volts DC + -10 volts DC while the lowest operating voltage transformer can evaluate accordingly in your hand, of course, could not provide low-voltage power 100w consider
TDA7294 PCB Top
TDA7294 PCB Bottom
TDA7294 Mute/Stantby Connection
source : http://www.stavebnice.richardvacula.com/select.php?link=PT002
Published: 2008/01/13 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, simple circuit projects, tda7294 amplifier circuit
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Der integrierte Verstärker TDA7294 ist sehr beliebt, wenn ein Soundsystem verwendet wird. Hat einen sehr sauberen Klang. Die in der Schaltung verwendeten Materialien mit nur wenigen passiven Bauteilen sind einfach zu installieren.
Sehr hoher Betriebsspannungsbereich (± 40 V)
Dmos Endstufe
Hohe Ausgangsleistung (bis zu 100 W Musikleistung)
Muting / Standby-Funktionen
Kein Ein- / Ausschaltgeräusch
Keine Boucherot-Zellen
Sehr geringe Verzerrung
Sehr leise
Thermische Abschaltung
TDA7294 Verstärkerschaltplan