Hello friends, I thought I’d start by modifying my 2+1 work I did last year. There are changes in the power stage in the modification, adding an active filter to the circuit and regulating the signal inputs of the satellites. Let’s start with the power stage. Let’s first consider the 100w circuit.
Mosfet Amplifier Circuit PCB files:
100W Hi Fi Mosfet Amplifier Circuit
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
author: Hüseyin GÜNGÖR
Published: 2008/06/25 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier
PIC16F84A Light Effects Circuits
PIC16F84 controlled by the opto-relay, triac strong as elements driven by a lamp, light effects circuits various flashing patterns and eye-catching images are creating some computer Connection is in general 4, 8 channel output of the lamp are
PIC16F84 The console lights