TDA1562Q I discovered after his clean sound that amplifier IC TDA8560Q output power 2×40 w operating voltage 18v dc single source to use in the car for 6 … ideal for cpu cooler can be used for adding the chip cooler fan mounted there mute feature for use in the car, this section can be connected to the ignition switch or the key.
TDA8560Q Stereo BTL car radio power amplifier
High output power Low output offset voltage Fixed gain Diagnostic facility (distortion, short-circuit and
temperature detection) Good ripple rejection Mode select switch (operating, mute and standby) Load dump protection Short-circuit safe to ground, to VP and across the load Low power dissipation in any short-circuit condition
Commissioning of the sprint layout pcb and schema files:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18776.zip
pcb file open and print output; http://www.abacom-online.de/updates/Sprint-Layout60_Viewer.exe
Published: 2012/04/26 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, simple circuit projects
PICkit 2 PICkit 3 Clone Circuit PCB AVRISP mkII USB Blaster
As seen in the all in one PICkit2, PICkit3, AVR ISP MKII USB Blaster programmer circuits PCB files. In the meantime, I have all the files in the project PICKit 3 complete Altium pcb schema and PICkit3_bootLoader. hex, PICKIT3. in addition to the Atmel AVR and Mİcrochip included hex files for programmers the DIP socket converter printed circuit drawings.