TDA7294 Bridge 300W Amplifier Circuit

| August 25, 2023 Updated
TDA7294 Bridge 300W Amplifier Circuit

TDA7294 amp integrated circuit is made ​​with a lot, but I did share a few of them have been very good this circuit layout design can be said as in the original sound system.

1 x 100w power can be obtained with two TDA7294 TDA7294 with bridge connection can be taken 200w power supply voltage is kept low in this application gives you the power 150w per channel.

Symmetrical circuit supply voltage + – 25 volts DC suggested 2 × 18-volt AC 12 amp transformer used for the filter capacitor 4700uF instead of 6800uF good to use


300W TDA7294 Bridge


application of TDA7294, is the bridge configuration (bridge), where two TDA7294, manage output. In this configuration, the value of the load must not be lower than 8 Ohm. The main advantages of this amplifier are: – High power with low voltage. – Considerable output power even with high load values ​​(16 Ohm). With a load of 8 Ohm speakers, and a voltage of ± 25 volts DC, maximum performance obtainable is 150W per channel, whereas with 16 Ohm load, and a voltage of ± 35 volts DC, will maximum of 170W per channel. This amplifier was tested with 2 speakers 300 watts of power and a load of 8 ohms and 12 inches, giving excellent performance.

Source: TDA7294 300W Amplifier Circuit schematic pcb files alternative link:

TDA7294 Bridge 300W Amplifier Circuit


Published: 2010/01/22 Tags: , ,

5 Comments “TDA7294 Bridge 300W Amplifier Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    400W Transistor Power Amplifier Circuit

    BJT transistor amplifier circuit 400w output transistors 4 tip41c quite strong and tip42c 4pcs 2 × 46 volts DC supply voltage + – symmetric power supply.

    Output power supply AC 12 amp amp 2x33v proposed for transformer circuit connecting to the audio input volume control stereo potentiometer 10 … from 20k to do.

  2. JanithJanith

    I love your project. I’m building your 300W amp these days. I’ve met a problem with the air inductors( L1, L2,..). It is highly appreciated if you can let me know the diameter of the copper wire with the number of turns you have wound here via my email. My email is @
    Thank you.

    1. gevvgevv Contributor


      L1, L2 : 10 turn coils with 3/8 air core 18 AWG wire

  3. BobBob

    What’s the use for a password in project files?


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