Preamp circuit is TDA1524 from the company Philips. His involvement This circuit can with a minimum of external components to change the volume, balance, treble and bass. Its advantage is that all settings adjustment is performed by changing the voltage on the corresponding pins of the circuit and that for both channels at the same time.
Thanks to this, it is not necessary to use high-quality tandem potentiometers, which are expensive, but just simple potentiometers. Another advantage is that the circuit is not prone to the murmur of the potentiometers, which manifests itself e.g. when changing the volume.
Catalog wiring taken is followed by the dc link, which improves the control signal. The parameters declared by the manufacturer will be listed and compared
Preamp Tone Control TDA1524 Circuit
tda1524 circuit pcb schematic all files alternative links:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25525.zip
Published: 2016/06/06 Tags: audio control circuits
TOP261 Amplifier Power Supply Class D Smps
TOP261 switch mode power supply smps circuit previous post TDA8920 Class-D Amplifier Circuit power supply
The smps power supply of the amplifier, as is indicated must have a few output voltages. This source must be powerful enough to be able to cover the power demands of the terminal degree. The source can be realized as linear, or as a source of power. Each of these types of sources has its advantages and disadvantages.
TDA1524 Vorverstärker Klangregelung Schaltung
Vorverstärker-Schaltung ist TDA1524 von der Firma Philips. Sein Engagement, Diese Schaltung kann mit einem minimum an externen Komponenten ändern der Lautstärke, balance, Höhen und bass. Sein Vorteil ist, dass alle Einstellungen, die Einstellung erfolgt durch ändern der Spannung an den entsprechenden pins der Schaltung und das für beide Kanäle gleichzeitig.