Lamp dimmable loads such as motors or lamp the simplest circuit you can. One transistor 2n3055
Lamp Dimmer Schematic
Published: 2008/02/04 Tags: power electronic projects, simple circuit projects
Lamp dimmable loads such as motors or lamp the simplest circuit you can. One transistor 2n3055
Published: 2008/02/04 Tags: power electronic projects, simple circuit projects
Computer to run on 12 volts Car PC
Computer pc to run on 12 volts. With the battery in your car or if you want to run your computer in a different application’s nice konfigrasyonlu computer ideal for low dcdc converter circuits at 160 … 260 watt ATX converter circuits are
Old vie or p3, low-power system can be used with ATX P4 actually a new generation of low-power onboard motherboards may need to try 🙂
PC Auto Power Supply
Lampe dimmbare Lasten wie Motoren oder Lampe die einfachste Schaltung, die Sie können. Ein Transistor 2n3055