I made an application about converting the old generation ATX power supply to a 0.24v 0.8.5A regulated power supply, as in the project of converting the computer power supply to a battery charger that I shared before. The price of regulated power supplies has increased, this power supply is very useful in your workshop, and the cost is very low.
As in the Conversion of Computer Power Supply to Battery Charger sharing, the control stage made with TL494 is connected to the ATX power supply as a module. In addition, after a few more adjustments, the power supply is ready for use.
Example ATX circuit diagram about making the modification, diagrams of the control circuit and modification operations;
This project has been tested much more thoroughly than previous AXT mods. I also used the bridge diode method for higher voltage, but because the voltage is too high (sudden load, peak) short circuit failure occurs. As I mentioned in the video, the experiments continue for 0.30 or 0.40v, I will force the power for 0.10A, let’s see what happens. As soon as it will be finished, but if it passes the tests, I will share it.
A 1.8K resistor is used for the voltage limit (+v), if you increase its value, the output voltage will reach the max. If you increase the value and decrease the value, the opposite will happen. The shunt resistor value can be lowered for the upper current limit, but I do not recommend below 0.05-ohm. When the 220-ohm resistor (cr) value increases, the current limit increases.
Alternative List of file download LINK (in TXT format) 0-24v-0-85a.ra pass: 320volt.com
source: hobbyelektro.eu/spinany-zdroj-0-30v-0-6a
Published: 2023/05/04 Tags: power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project, smps circuits