Tag: programmer circuit

PIC programmer circuit AVR programmer circuit ARM programmer circuit

USB PIC Programmer with Arduino

| 2025/03/03

Open source USB PIC Programmer project for Arduino (ATMEGA328) based PIC MCU. Programming can be done with minimum components and ICSP connection for Atmega328 (arduino nano/uno) based PIC microcontrollers. You can also add new PIC models yourself, for this you need to edit the “pic.xml” file. Edit the values ​​inside the “name” tag to add…

CH341A Programmer Tools

| 2024/12/17

In the article CH341A 95640 Eeprom, New Chips and RCD300 Tape Password, I mentioned the programming of new integrated circuits that are not in the CH341A list. A software has been developed that adds extra functionality to the CH341A USB EEPROM-FLASH programmer module. CH341A New Functions: Detecting I2C devices Writing/Reading raw I2C data Writing/Reading raw…

CH341A 95640 Eeprom, New Chips and RCD300 Radio Code

| 2022/11/17

The Volkswagen RCD300 tape was in safe 2 mode. To learn the password, 95640 eeprom had to be read and the RCD300 password had to be obtained via the PC program, it took some effort, but I took the password and started the tape. CH341A EEprom Flash Programmer was used to read 95640 eeprom on…

Simple AVR Programmer (ISP RS232)

| 2021/09/20

Installing programs on Atmel AVR microcontrollers is officially cruel 🙂 fuse settings are a separate issue, especially when wrong fuse settings lock the processor is a bad situation. There is Atmel AVR Fuse Bit Repair circuit, but we are already unfamiliar with AVR, this job is even worse, if more processors accumulate in the future,…

JTAG AVR Programmer Isolator

| 2019/12/08

The Jtag Isolator device is intended for designers working with devices supplied with voltage dangerous to life or at a potential much higher than the potential of the earth. In the JTAG isolator, the connector on the programmer’s side is 10-instead of 6-pin and fits the JTAG output, which also contains ISP lines in the…

AVR-ISP MKII Programmer Circuit

| 2019/07/09

AVR microcontrollers are most commonly used for AVR-ISP MKII programmer programming with serial interface ISP. They are cheap and uncomplicated. However, these programmers have lost their versatility because Atmel has introduced new microcontrollers, programmed with PDI and TPI interfaces. The programmer presented in the article is universal, it will be useful to both older and…

Tiny USB programmer AVR microcontrollers AVRDUDE

| 2017/10/01

USB programmer There are few components – the ATtiny45 microcontroller, two Zener diodes, a capacitor and several resistors. Of course, there are still connectors – USB plug and IDC-6 plug. Resistor R1 informs host about presence of USB device transmitting data in Slow mode. The resistors R2 and R3 in combination with D1 and D2…


| 2016/04/21

Pickit2 dealing with using a lot of pic programming is still very popular pickit3 a factor in the late appearance of the version, though pickit 3 ICSP ZIF socket for pickit2 I have to wonder… has expanded to designs before pcb was shared at ICSP adapter ZIF socket for pickit 2 in the output module…

PICKIT2 Update ( new pic microcontroller support)

| 2013/04/28

Recently for a business pic18f46k22 programming we need to, but PICKIT2 software pic18f46k22 support said 🙂 though the error message, I do not remember Unsupported Part etc … a strange opening had fortunately just picproj on the forums @ t2 teacher’s share issues that came to my mind Pickit2 Clone upgrade was mentioned, the “pk2devicefile.dat”…

Pickit2 Clone Circuit Archive

| 2013/03/02

USB PIC Programmer Brenner cool the market after our most used Pickit2 Clone programmer was … Previously quality Pickit2 Clone clone circuits have shared pickit3 output but two series still popular and the business sees the archives of different trasarım there but basically the same last review before, let me be 🙂 but operation of…